I mentioned earlier that you can use the internet to rent textbooks and save money, but this isn’t the only way to can save cash on book expenses by going digital. You can get an edge on this semester’s classes with free search/highlight tools and instant access to your course books at coursesmart.com
One alternative to paper textbooks that is growing in popularity is the digital book, or e-book. If you’ve got an Amazon Kindle or any brand of digital book reader, you can order your books online, download them, and start reading right away.
Not only will this solution save you money by cutting out publishing and shipping costs, it can be good for the environment as well. On average, students are saving more than $60 per book. And the trees appreciate it, as well!
Coursesmart distributes digital versions of the same textbooks published by the top names in academic textbooks, and they’ve got thousands of titles to choose from. The best way to find out if they’ve got the book you need is to simply check it out and give it a search!
While not everyone has embraced the trend toward digital college textbooks, a lot of students find them to be a lot more convenient than lugging around heavy books and trying to keep track of which texts are required on different class days. If you’ve got a portable e-book reader, why not take advantage of this opportunity to save money, help out the environment, and take your college experience to a higher level of technology?
Save up to 50% on your class textbooks at coursesmart.com today!
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