Financial Aid
Financial aid usually refers to tuition assistance from the government or an academic institution. This "institutional assistance" is usually paid from a college's endowment foundation, and is usually made possible by donations from previous graduates. Government financial aid usually refers to Pell Grants, Stafford Subsidized loans, and other programs that a student can apply for through filing a FAFSA report.Financial aid is usually dependent to some extent on the student and/or family's income (depending on the student's age and legal status). Students with lower incomes, fewer assets, and higher tuition bills typically get the most financial assistance from the providing sources. Some schools are "need-blind" in admissions but unfortunately that sometimes means that they will accept students who ultimately cannot afford to attend.
In this section you will find free advice for tuition aid through government and university sources. Find out how to apply, when to apply, and why you should apply even if you're pretty sure you won't qualify for the more well-known programs.
Its never too early to start planning financial aid and paying for college tuition. Even if you aren’t in high school yet, there may be contests you can enter
Welcome to Free College Blog! We’ll be exploring different ideas for paying for school. Tuition is rising so financial aid and scholarships are more important than ever