Every month new scholarship deadlines come up and I (try to) keep up to date on some of the major ones here.  Its a little late for me to be getting around April, but that means its a good time to get started on May!  Check out some of these well-known college scholarships with a deadline in April & May of 2009.

  • Holocaust Remembrance Project Writing Contest
    Due April 30, 2009
    This annual writing contest invites students to explore how lessons from the past can avoid future tragedies.  Any U.S. or Mexican residents enrolled in high school or graduating in 2009 are eligible, and essays must be submitted online.   Scholarship awards range from $300 to $10,000 – and as many as thirty students will be selected to receive some amount of financial assistance for college expenses.
    Find out all the details here:  http://holocaust.hklaw.com/
  • Platinum Torch National Service Honorary
    Due May 1, 2009
    The Platinum Torch Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to recognizing students with an excellent record or community service.  Students who have completed more than 100 hours of community service in the prior six months are eligible for one of three $500 awards.  You’ll have to register as a member in the organization to be considered, but there’s no obligation and plenty of benefits associated with that as well.
    Learn more about it here:  http://platinumtorch.org/index.html
    And check out the scholarship application here.
  • Boeing Engineering and Business Scholarships
    Deadline May 15, 2009
    Boeing is providing scholarship programs for both engineering and business majors.  Currently enrolled college students are eligible to apply for these scholarship awards through the Golden Key Honor Society.  Get the full details at the Golden Key website:  click here for the business award and click here for the engineering award
  • UNCF General Scholarship 2008/2009 Academic Year
    Deadline: May 15, 2009

    The United Negro College Fund was established to support African American higher education, but eligibility is open to all students attending a member institution.  Anyone currently enrolled in a UNCF Institute is able to compete for one of these scholarship awards valued at up to $5,000.  Get all the details about this scholarship program here:  http://www.uncf.org/forstudents/scholarDetailSGA.asp?id=233
  • 2009 Tylenol Scholarship
    Due May 15, 2009

    Tylenol is giving away $250,000 worth of scholarships in 2009 through a program designed to help students seeking a degree in health care, life sciences, and related disciplines.  All students currently enrolled in such a major at an accredited institution are encouraged to apply at the Tylenol scholarship website.

While these awards with upcoming deadlines may give you an idea of what opportunities are available, this is by no means a complete or exhaustive list of programs currently running!  Every year, there are millions of scholarships, grants, and financial aid programs awarded and the only way to know all of the programs you’ll personally be eligible for is to make use of multiple free scholarship information services.  Of course, when you find an award that sounds like it is describing you, take advantage of that opportunity and write up the best application you can!  While there is a lot of competition out there, you’ll never know how much free money you can secure unless you really try.

9 Responses to “Scholarships with April and May 2009 Deadlines”

  1. i saw dis scholarship its better and suitible one

  2. I would like to say that I’m so thankful that i found this website, because i thought i had no more chances to apply for scholarships and that i wasn’t going to find a way to pay for college although i don’t know if i will get the scholarships that i have apply to i will still continue to find my way to college

  3. Zeryawkal Ergetie
    May 5th, 2009 at 5:45 am

    I am so amazed why you give theopportunity to only USA students.What about developing countries and european countries?

  4. It would be great if you guys could find scholarships for people with not so goo GPAs and hospitality mangement majors for high school seniors.

  5. i didnt get to enter any of these contests so its too late for me. So does anyone know anymore for june and july 2009

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