If you’re ready to enroll in college but you don’t know where you’ll go or how to get started, the good news is that the internet has made searching for degree programs easier than ever. Rather than searching through books and binders in a guidance counselor’s office, you can simply create a profile and answer some questions about what factors are most important to your educational goals.
One such free service for students is College Quest. In just a few steps, you can see schools with degree programs that precisely match what you’re looking for. If you aren’t sure what you’re looking for, they even know the right questions to ask to help you find out.
Once you register your personal account, you’ll be able to compare schools with the academic program you like and you’ll be able to easily request additional information from your favorites. A quick overview can help you weigh the available options, and the detailed information brochures are able to answer just about any question you can think of (and probably a lot of things you wouldn’t have thought to ask, at all!)
Right now, job demand in medical careers is holding steady despite a general decline in total hiring and job creation, so this can be a great time to get started on a new education path even if you have a degree already. Other sectors have shed numerous positions in just a few short months, so waiting around for a recovery may not be as effective as training for where the demand exists. As baby boomers retire and enter their elder years, demand for medical services is only going to increase.
And if that isn’t the right career for you, then other professions and degrees can open up opportunities as well. The job markets may not look as good, but that doesn’t mean a high tech education has no value!
So if you’re considering continuing your education, be sure to search around and really compare the choices available.
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