With the recent “Amendment 1” tax cut and falling home and property values, Florida’s state legislature faces one big challenge in terms creating a budget for the coming year. Declines in consumer spending are affecting sales tax revenue as well.
The legislative session has only just begun, but committees have already recommended budget cuts in education totaling $357 million. Teacher bonuses would be halved and its even possible that they will not get an annual raise. The large part of the spending reductions will come out of K-12 classes, but public colleges and Pre-K programs would also be affected under the current proposal.
The total loss to the schools would be more than 1.0% – 1.2% of current-year funding. Such a cut would undo the last few years of increases – and put education outlays at an inflation-adjusted level much lower than recent years.
The bills are expected to go to the floor of the legislature today or tomorrow, so I will keep an eye on things as they develop and post any further updates here.
February 12th, 2009 at 2:15 pm
something need to done about the education budget cuts. its ridiculous. Students should not be forced to be taught in an overcrowded classroom. Teachers should not be losing their jobs because there is no money in the school system. Education is the most important factor in the development of a country if fails with education its fails everything. something must done, there is a billion dollar bailout for everything else, why cant education get a bailout?
February 25th, 2009 at 10:11 am
It looks like the state lottery contributes about 1.3 billion dollars to Florida
education every year. I am hopeful that money is well spent. I read where some
teachers bonuses will/might be cut. When and how does a teacher get a bonus?
March 2nd, 2009 at 10:35 pm
Florida is one of 7 states in the U.S. that does not have a state income tax. The problem is that the economy is suffering so the government is not getting the revenue it needs. Budget cuts have to come from somewhere. If people in Florida want to save education for our kids they should strongly consider a state income tax. Remember you get what you pay for.