And if you still haven’t got any text books this semester, you might have a little bit of trouble with those things called final exams that are coming up!

The best part of getting your last minute text books with Course Smart is probably the fact that you’ll have instant access to any materials you purchase. Then again, getting up to 50% off the normal bookstore prices is pretty sweet, too. Of course: you can find, buy, and even download your books without even getting up from the chair you’re already sitting in.

Either way, if there’s a cheaper and more convenient way to buy textbooks I sure haven’t heard of it yet.  Put that digital book reader to good use, and check out the savings that are possible with digital texts today!

2 Responses to “Need last minute text books?”

  1. I agree that buying textbooks online is the way to go. But there are just so many sites online selling textbooks. That’s why I now use They are a textbook search engine that searches all the online textbook retailers and rental sites to find you the best prices. And at the end of the semester you can use them to search for resellers to sell your book to. All the search results are organized by price so you can buy your books for the lowest prices and sell them back for the highest.

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