If you’re a working adult who has been out of college for a while, or looking for funds to go back and finish a degree, it can be frustrating to dig through dozens or hundreds of scholarship programs that really only want high school seniors and high school college graduates. Everyone I know who has been in that position tells me the same thing: “I wish there was a scholarship search website or program that was just for us.”

Well, now there is!

There’s no catch and no lengthy application process, so you can sign up and get your chance to win up to $10,000 for college expenses. Ok, there is a tiny bit of a catch: You have to be 18 years or older and you have to be a U.S. resident.

Once you click through, just follow the registration instructions. Don’t worry: it is completely free and there is no obligation or purchase required. You’re allowed to register every week the competition period runs, so be sure to check back often in order to increase your odds of selection! Oh yeah, you do have to submit a valid email and mailing address, or else how are they going to get in touch and send the scholarship funds to you?

Now, that $10,000 might not be enough to get an entire degree at some schools these days, but spent wisely it could go a really long way! And honestly, these days, we could all use a little bit of help no matter how much it is.

Then again, more is also better. So if you’re still looking for even more scholarships, make sure you’ve got an up to date Fastweb account to get a big look at lots of various programs that apply specifically to your individualized situation and status.

Remember, your odds of receiving free money for college are only increased by apply for more awards, so if you’re really serious about winning some free cash you’re going to need to get busy with the search process and completing the applications.

Good luck!

7 Responses to “Scholarships for Working Adults”

  1. Please send me any types of scholarships, I am willing to try any kind. I really want to go to college and am currently looking for as many scholarships that will help me pay to go to college. Thanks

  2. I’m interested in any information that’s available regarding scholarship options.

  3. I strugle to finish my secondary school leaver.i still want to go school but,i don’t have the money every day i cry inside me because i don’t have money.please help me i need schoolarship to STUDY Air transport cause abroad (aviation)or Hotel manament cause abroad.

  4. I am 44 years old and want to complete my Bachelors Degree in Human Services. I currently struggle to get house bills paid now and if I am able to complete my degree by Sept. 2013 I will get hired by a program that will pay me double of what I am getting now. If I am unable to complete my degree by 2013 I will not have the job. I have 9 classes to finish with no funding available to pay for the classes and the books. I will be able to finish if I start by October of 2012. Please consider my request. I would be truely greatful.

  5. I forgot to mention that I do work full time now. My courses would be 8 week courses (accelerated) with Upper Iowa University out of Wausau, Wisconsin site. I usually worked two jobs to pay the bills at home but I have a son who just recently began working and is going to help out with bills (with what he can because he wants to save for his own place also). I really want to and need to finish this degree so I can get the better paying job. If I am able to pay for the schooling I could be hired as soon as the end of August 2012 for the higher paying job. My current job pays the bills ( I am 500.00 behind on my rent but working to get the caught up). I usually have only $30.00 left out of my pay check to last until the next pay day. Life is truely a struggle financially.

  6. Im enrolled at anthem college in atlanta,ga for computer networking technology.I am in school because i dont have any education to recieve a good job in society today.My tution is higher than my gross and i dont how I’ll be able to pay.In this case I’ll be dropped from school.

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