If you’re enrolled in college or even thinking about heading back, one of the first things you’ll need to do is find some scholarships to apply for.  Now, there are a lot of good ways to go about doing this – but make sure you never pay since there are plenty of great services that are absolutely free.  Fastweb, Cappex, and ScholarshipExperts.com are a few that come to mind off the top of my head, and you can check out Google or our own modified Google search for scholarships.

Right now though, members of Fastweb will be eligible to apply for a series of three summer scholarship competitions they’re calling the Fastweb Scholarship Triathlon.  Before you can send in your applications though, you’ll need to register for free at Fastweb.

Once you’ve got your account set up and your profile loaded up, you’ll be able to see a wide range of scholarships that you’re eligible for – and you’ll be able to apply for the contests Fastweb is running internally.  The first scholarship closes on July 31, 2009 and all  you have to do to enter is twitter-like essay:  no more than 140 characters.  Of course, you can be creative with how you use those 140 characters – and you’ll need to be a registered member of Fastweb before you can send it in.  As far as age and residency, its open to every U.S. resident age 13 or older.

The second phase of the triathlon is a video contest, and after that they’re holding a tech quiz.  All said, thousands of dollars will be given out there in the next few months.  You can check out all the details here to get more information about who is eligible and how to apply.

Even if these contests aren’t interesting to you, be sure to check out Fastweb and see what other scholarship awards, grants, and contests you can apply for. They’re even sending out email reminders to let you get early notice about the latest funding opportunities, so be sure to take advantage of this great resource as soon as possible!

4 Responses to “Fastweb Summer Scholarship Race is On”

  1. sir
    I am a good student and its my dream to study abroad but i cant afford it financiallyplz help me

  2. i want this scolarship bcoz i want 2 prove myself

    if you think that im capable 4 this scolarships so plz

  3. i really need to improve on my qualifications coz i cant seem to get a decent job. every time they need graduates and i always miss job opportunities because of this.
    please assist me any way you can.

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