Spring is finally here after a particularly long and cold winter, but before you rush off to catch a tan, make sure you check out all the scholarships with deadlines in April 2010! And of course, if you find awards you’re eligible for, you should also be sure to complete your application and turn it in on time!  A nap on the beach is a lot more relaxing when you know you’ve already taken care of the costs of tuition and other college expenses.

No matter what time of year it is, there are some scholarship programs with upcoming deadlines on the way.  For now, here are some of the biggest national awards with application due dates in April 2010:

  • Morgan Stanley Scholarship for Study in Japan – This award will pay up to $7,500 to help American college students who have been accepted to study abroad in a Japanese university.  Junions and seniors who are studying or interested in economics & international finance are encouraged to apply for this scholarship program as a means to help the costs of tuition and travel.  Applications must be received by April 6, 2010.
  • The John C. Phelan General Course Scholarship usually provides an annual scholarship to pay for the tuition of a U.S. college student studying the general economics course at the London School of Economics and Political Science.  While the page hasn’t been updated for a 2010 deadline, keep an eye on this link if you happen to be interested in spending some time studying economics and politics from a uniquely English perspective.
  • The Home Depot Trade Scholarship Program will provide 500 scholarships of $1,000 each for students who are enrolling in a trade program.  The funds can be used to pay tuition or books or necessary tools.  Applications are due by April 30th, and recipients will be notified by September 2010.  That’s half a million dollars for education – and you don’t even have to enroll in a traditional college degree program!
  • The Free Application for Federal Student Aid isn’t technically a scholarship, but it is the largest source of free money available to college students every year and several states have April deadlines that come before the final federal deadline.  Students in Alaska, Deleware, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and West Virginia may be required to make sure all of their FAFSA forms are turned in by April – and regardless of what your state’s deadline is its a good idea to get this done as soon as possible.  The money is likely to run out before the final deadlines do.

Of course, these awards are just a small sample of all the college scholarships with upcoming deadline dates!  Be sure to take advantage of all the various ways you can find the scholarships you’re eligible for, and then get those applications in before they’re even due!

8 Responses to “April 2010 Scholarships – Upcoming Deadlines”

  1. I am the Scholarships Committee Chair @ Mount Zion High School/PTSA I need all information you can send me about scholarships.

  2. Ms. Powers, we found a ton of scholarship info at http://www.how2winscholarships.com Hope that helps! Mark

  3. Dont dissmiss the fact that you may be able to apply for grants too, http://www.schoolgrantsresource.com has lots of useful info about various collge grant programs.

  4. there any scholarships to analyze in America? I’m an Australia undergraduate wishing to occur more than and analyze at NYU or one more college. I could possibly be capable to obtain a sporting scholarship.

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