Have you seen these logos in the grocery store or at online stores? Upromise has been helping parents and students save money for college for many years, and there’s practically no reason not to sign up for the free and easy method of college savings.
So how does it work? How do you save money by spending it? Usually money doesn’t work that way, but Upromise teams up with popular companies and provides a refund into a college savings account for any purchase a member makes from one of those brands. The companies involved get to help students save for college or pay back student loans, and supporting education is always a good promotional strategy.
Now obviously, you aren’t going to gain money for college if you go out of your way to buy things you wouldn’t have otherwise gotten, but with Upromise, you can save money easily with just the purchases you are already making. Even better, multiple people can sign up to help the same student’s account. Families and friends co-operating through the program can boost the total amount of savings, so make sure to talk your loved ones into joining up, too. A lot of small amounts of money can really add up, especially with a few small scholarships added into the mix.
So what could be better than free and easy college savings… How about being entered into a contest for $10,000!?
If you sign up for a Upromise college savings account before September 30, 2008, you’ll be automatically entered into the contest and 10 students will win $10,000. Every purchase eligible for the Upromise college saving program also adds another entry.
Remember, it is never too late to sign up for Upromise. Even if you’ve already graduated and now need to figure out how to pay off student loans, this free savings plan can help you with that too.
January 9th, 2009 at 10:06 am
Pls Sir/Madam,
I really need help getting into college the way things have become expensive and only the rich can have access to education.
UPromising is a nice programe and should be applauded. But having to purchase before earning is quite cumbersome for an under-previlaged like me. That not withstanding I’ll try my possible best.
Pls I need help from anywhere getting into college (2009-2010 session).
I’ll be extremely grateful to you if you help me. Thanks and God bless.
September 16th, 2009 at 7:33 pm
I am the mother of a high school freshman.. My child is a 3.8 gpa student.. I realize I have 4 years to start my look into scholarships could you please send me info on the upromise I found on the back of my Nestle toll house sugar cookies
thank you
Dawn Mager
mother of a high school freshman
February 11th, 2010 at 1:56 am
Pls Sir/Madam,
I really need help getting into college the way things have become expensive and only the rich can have access to education.
UPromising is a nice programe and should be applauded. But having to purchase before earning is quite cumbersome for an under-previlaged like me. That not withstanding I’ll try my possible best.
Pls I need help from anywhere getting into college (2009-2010 session).
I’ll be extremely grateful to you if you help me. Thanks and God bless.
May 20th, 2010 at 6:33 pm
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