Free College Blog is about making college affordable and helping students find multiple approaches to securing financial aid. Topics include finding scholarships and competitions, how to differentiate from other applicants, and ideas for advancing interests and hobbies with a career-focus in mind.

Free college might be possible, but it isn’t easy. Here’s a place where you can find some ideas and even share your own!

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7 Responses to “About”

  1. Hi

    I have read your post and I feel that your blog is a great resources for us. Keep up the good work. I want to review your blog at my blog. For that reason I need some information regarding your blog. So can I get your e-mail address. Then I will send you my query. Waiting for your reply,


  2. Hello,

    I apologize for posting this in a comment, but I could not find an email. My company, which is the part after the @ sign in my email, is offering a scholarship for students who use wheelchairs. I thought you might be able to help us let people know about it. You can find the complete details at the site or by giving me an email. Thanks!

  3. If anyone knows where I can find scholarships or grants to help with college expenses please let me know. I’m looking for help with books, etc.
    Thank You.

  4. Hi there

    I just wanted to complement you on your site and in particular your post entitled “Save money for school without doing much at all”. I thought it was a very interesting and well written piece. I would like to write an article for you entitled “Stay Safe on the Internet”. My article will give advice on how students can protect themselves from being victims of computer viruses or cybercrime on the Internet. I think that this is an important article which will be useful to your readers.

    Am I OK to send you my article for your consideration

    Kind Regards

  5. Hey,

    Shame I couldn’t seem to comment on one of your articles, but I just updated my own blog with a post giving a couple tips for students to help them budget for when they start this autumn. Check it out if you’d like.

    All the best,

    Alex | the Sneaky Student.

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