Unfortunately, the free HP laptop deal I was originally posting about has expired. Yet that doesn’t mean that there aren’t other ways to find a free laptop for college!

If you haven’t already, you should sign up immediately for Fastweb and keep an ear out toward the local news. Since a lot of free laptop offerings are local and temporary, these are a great source of keeping up to date on these contests and awards that you’re specifically eligible for.

As the costs of technology are rapidly declining, more and more schools and districts are providing free laptops to high school students. The same phenomenon is occurring in more colleges and universities as well. As of mid-January I don’t see any large nation-wide programs being offered at the moment, but I’ll be sure to keep this updated as I come across more awards, contests, or promotions that provide free computers for college students.

-Original Post-

OK, so its Friday night at midnight and maybe I should be doing something more interesting than blogging about free stuff for college students.

Well, 15 free HP Laptop Computers for college freshman is kind of exciting, isn’t it?

One of the blogs on my RSS reading list, Poorer Than You, has announced the first round of the HP Laptop Giveaway.

Just by answering 10 questions that can be found throughout the blog, a college student can apply to win one of these free laptops.  If you complete the contest held at each site, you can have up to 15 chances to win!

Now obviously, free laptops are going to bring out a lot of interest.  You can expect thousands of people to register.  The odds might not be great, but they are certainly better than zero if you just keep up with the promotion and check out each site as the contest rolls out.

Ok, I’m going to keep this short because I don’t have all the details – and the details for later websites haven’t even been fully released yet.

Here are the education blogs that have been invited to participate, and you’ll be able to find more information about signing up at he following links during the time-frames listed.

Good luck!

503 Responses to “Free HP Laptops for College Students”

  1. i want compete for the laptop

  2. please i am a medical student in need of a fre laptop which wil aid me in my studies.

  3. i want to win the laptop by having a contest

  4. i whant to compete for the laptop to enhance my studies so please give me a chance.


  5. Hi My name is berhanu gudisa
    I am desperately in need of a free laptop. I am a college student.I am working my masters program in urban management. I am not pleading but I am asking you to help me to support my studies please.To buy laptop I haven’t financial capacity I come from a poor background and anyone is unable to help me to buy a laptop. This laptop will help me excel in my studies. So please, donate me a laptop. I really thank you and God would be blessing you.I am waiting for your answer.
    Thank you very much
    Berhanu Gudisa
    ECSC college
    Addis Ababa,Ethiopia

  6. Hi My name is berhanu
    I am desperately in need of a free laptop. I am a college student.I am working my masters program in urban management. I am not pleading but I am asking you to help me to support my studies please.To buy laptop I haven’t financial capacity I come from a poor background and anyone is unable to help me to buy a laptop. This laptop will help me excel in my studies. So please, donate me a laptop. I really thank you and God would be blessing you.I am waiting for your answer.
    Thank you very much
    Ethiopian Civil Service College
    Addis Ababa,Ethiopia

  7. thank you for honouring my request but i plead on your behalf to make me the winner

  8. I am 36 years old with two daughters, 15, and 10 years of age. My husband passed away at the age of 38 this June. I’ve returned to school, and I do receive some financial assistance for school, but living expenses are what the real mountain is. Still, we are making it and doing well. I have good grades and I’m getting involved in various organizations I have a passion for. I would very much like to have a laptop since two of my classes are online, and I will continue to take classes online. Right now, I have to go to my mother’s and borrow her outdated computer that takes forever to work and greatly hinders the quality of my work. I would be willing to work for them, between my schedule, or set up a payment plan to pay for the laptop a little at a time. Thank you for your time and consideration.


    Leslie Withers

  9. Hi My name is Jaquise Henry
    I am desperately in need of a free laptop. I will be starting school for the Spring of 2009. I am not pleading but I am begging you to please, please help me. With the way the economy is and all. I come from a poor background and my mom is unable to help me to buy a laptop and i am sure if she could afford it should buy me one. But this laptop will help me excel in my classes. So please, please, please donate me a laptop. I really thank you and would it would be blessing.
    Former Student to who is wanting to turn her life around and also step out of the box in her future of many open door she just need a little will you help me.

    Jaquise Henry

  10. I am apply on behalf of Bobby(BJ). He is in his first year of college at Bloomsburg UniversityIn Bloomsburg Pa. HIs mother is a single partent of two boys and gets no help with the.She provides all their up keep and help BJ when she can. He is a good kid and would like to have a laptop so that he can contiue his education at school as well as home. When he is home you will find him wowrking to provide for himself so that his mom doesn’t have to do it all. I am so proud of him growing up in an urban community he decided to reach for the clouds. That is why i think he deserves this laptop.

    Thank You!

  11. Include me in your offer please

  12. I am requesting for your laptop hand out.

    my intentions are to use it for college and grant write on the side to save my Alaskan Native language, which is fading with the elders of my village.

  13. suleiman taiye nasirudeen
    November 12th, 2008 at 2:56 am

    please i need a laptop to assist me carry out some study or course that i registered for so that i can practice after the class work.
    Thanks in anticipation.

  14. suleiman taiye nasirudeen
    November 12th, 2008 at 2:57 am

    please i need a laptop to assist me carry out some study or course that i registered for so that i can practice after the class work.
    Thanks in anticipation.

  15. suleiman taiye nasirudeen
    November 12th, 2008 at 3:00 am

    i will be grateful if my request is granted

    November 12th, 2008 at 9:46 am

    please I am a SOFTWARE ENGINERIG student i won’t laptop HELP ME
    i can’t bay becose i am poor becose of this i join this this site.


  17. I am a tertiary student offering graphics. I help me get a labtop to enable me perform effectively in my area of study, please. Tank you.

  18. i need a laptop computer free

  19. i am a poor students. i need a laptop computer free.

  20. I am a single mother and had to recently quite my job do to a back injury. I am enrolled in classes to take online, but I’m in need of a free laptop inorder to do this. I would be forever greatful if my wish was granted.

  21. I homeschool my 15 & 10 yr old children and they are in NEED of a laptop so that they can complete their assignments. Just like the rest of America we are on the TIGHTEST BUDGET we have ever been on…THINGS DO NOT LOOK TO BE ANY BETTER ANYTIME SOON..PLEASE CONSIDER US FOR THIS. Thank you and God Bless!!

  22. im just stating school, i have a 2 month old son and i really need a laptop for school

    December 3rd, 2008 at 10:58 am

    I am a student at National University of Rwanda and I am in the final year of my enginnering studies. I can’t buy it by my self or find someone to give me it. I am really in need of a laptop because this year (2009), I have to present my memoire as a written book to present for my undergraduate studies accomplishment.

  24. i will love to have a laptop cause i love computers and without it i am dead

  25. i am in need of a laptop to update technologies.

  26. Hello!
    I am a student and I need a laptop because it helps me to learn many things and it’s necessary for my student life. I request this free laptop because I don’t have enough money to buy one. Please send me this free laptop. Thank you.
    Phone: +40769311921

  27. John Andrew Remogat
    December 11th, 2008 at 6:03 am

    I’am John Andrew Remogat,working student.

  28. John Andrew Remogat
    December 11th, 2008 at 6:07 am

    I’m Mr. John Andrew Remogat,working student,dreaming to have a laptop which can help in my study.Here’s my mobile number: 00639217768811.Thanks and God bless!

  29. pls i need a laptop to enlightened my self more.i can not in my widest dream afford a laptop so pls help me bcos we are in a computer age i dont want be computer illiterate

  30. i am am studying and i am facing impossiple troubles
    and i feel thatearthis shaking beneath my feet
    and u will notbelieve me if u knew the real reason for my hope to win that free laptop

  31. I have prayed and asked for a new laptop; I am not certain if this offer has expeired, but if it has I would like to be considered. I have twin four-year old girls. Due to the demands of being the monther of twins I have decided to take on-line course. My current laptop is not internet capable. Therefore a newer one would help tremndoulsy in my studies.

    Thank you for your considertion.
    Beryl Armstrong

  32. I am a mother of three and have been attending classes which include completing and submitting assignments online, my computer is no longer working, and I have to take time away from my children to go to the school to do my assignments. In my occupation all my spare time is helping with the disabled, and I do not have the funds to buy a laptop and this offer would help me out tremendously, furthering my education with the necessary equipment.

  33. can i have a free laptop so i will never rent a computer again,, thanx, (renan of philippines)

  34. i`m sorry that i miss everything,but now i`m startin school.
    january,12,2009,and my computer is startin to act up,
    i only have a desk top–but the school i`m in takes laptop only,
    i was hopin to get some help,i don`t have any funds in yet,
    and i really need a laptop in order to get through school,
    sorry i miss out on the computers
    but any time you have another one please let me no
    thank you–803-484-5630
    ellis green

  35. Hellow!
    I am a computer engineering student..Lap top is very essential for me..
    I dont want to giv burden to my parents..If you provide me lap top,it will be very much helpful to me.

  36. Are there any recent contests for free laptops? I’ve been looking for a laptop for like forever. Especially one with a WI-fi card

  37. I want the laptop for my study

  38. Sir.,
    My dream is that i completed my Project on my own laptop but i don’t have my own laptop (it is my dream to completed my project work for my study in laptop)I need laptop for my further sudy in collage.
    And i fullied my parent’s dream in futhure
    i will be grateful if my request is granted.
    I request this free laptop because I don’t have enough money to buy one. Please send me this free laptop. Thank you.

    my email id :-qureshi_ahmed@ymail.com

  39. i am a computer science student and i am not able to get a laptop so plz help me.
    plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz

  40. Please Please I need a free laptop I dont have the money to get one Im a Nursing Student and really need a laptop. Please Help

  41. I wonder how possible I get laptop for homework I have alot work for it i need is a laptp but hard to afford so I dont know what I can do now. If u will offer giveaway laptop to me I will be happy and appericate that.

    Stokley Riffle

  42. Good Lord! Are you people commenting really that stupid! If you read the post you would know that you don’t sign up or even request an application for this program through this blog. Not to mention that if you look at the dates posted it appears this was over months ago!

    How can any of you expect to be handed anything when half of you don’t have proper grammar or even appear to be able to read directions? Honestly it doesn’t appear that any of you deserve a laptop not to mention to be in school. The stupidity is amazing.

  43. Finally someone who knows how to use a blog… Are you other people just goofs or are you really stupid? Duh! This is a place for information sharing not to pray or ask for pity. Who cares about your problems anyway, we all are in the Sh!t. This blog is not god or a wish fairy. Use spell check. And go pray somewhere else. You idiots would walk up to a lottery machine, ask it for a ticket and then ask the machine to let you win! “Stupid is as stupid does”.

  44. i need it for my project works

  45. i really could use some help in purchasing a laptop for school

  46. hi my name is charlyse and i want to compete for the free laptop i just started school and im really desparate

  47. I’m currently in College and my major is Medical Adminstrative. Assistant. We we do alot of office work and I need a free laptop to do my school work and homework. Can you pleacse help me?

  48. peter alex mwamanda
    January 26th, 2009 at 2:12 am

    please i am a medical student in need of a free laptop which will aid me in my studies.

  49. Right now I’m going to porterville college and I need a laptop computer to do my class I have no family and I was adoptive and was a ward of the court I have no job because of my mental health problems. I have not one to help me and help to support me. Please help me out with a laptop computer I really need one. I’m getting aid but that’s all going for my rent because I owe the people that I’m living and they are letting me stay there so that I can finsh college and not be homeless I really need your help with a laptop computer. thank you

  50. I could really use a free laptop im taking an online class and im useing an old e-machine desk top. Some of the classes use higher than Windows xp pro… I can’t down load the Windows Vista on this old machine. I can’t afford a new computer
    as i can’t work due to a back injury …. money here is really tight….. Thanks and i hope that you will send me one PLEASE…….

  51. i am a nursing student who dearly need a laptop to make my learning very easy for me because i dont have one at home.


  53. i wish to get a Laptop

  54. I am a student studying Nursing and I have had to take out so many loans scrape what money I had left to pay off some things so my loan want be as much and now I have gave birth to a son and now it is even harder because all the money i can get is goigng toward him and idont have a job yet and nobody is hiring where I live i have doctor and hospital bills to pay and we have to have laptops in some of my classes if not all i just caint afford it but i desperatly need it for my studies please elp i willreally appreciate it. thank you

  55. I am a sixty-one year (young) lady who is going back to college to finish my degree. I am retired and on a fixed income & can’t afford a computer. A laptop would really help me in my studies. This is a huge challange for me.

  56. respected sir,
    i am studying theology in bangalore india. it is very usefull in my personal studies.if it is possible ,let me know your intrest.
    thanking you
    yours in christ
    blesson c.l
    blesson cl
    s/o pastor r . lowrence,
    baptist church, thengan kalavila parakunnu, vanniyoor, kanayakumari dist, tamil nadu, india.

  57. Respected sir.
    Its a geat blessing to your free stuff.well im a student of theology im doing my Bth final year in Bangalore in india. if you could able to held than i’ll be very greateful to you sir. with pray and hoping that you’ll reply.

    thanking you .

  58. can you give free laptop for african students in africa?
    because am in ethiopia and i am a medical student in st.paul millennium medical school and i need a laptop to succeed in my education,so am asking you if you could give a laptop as a donation.

  59. I want a laptop to do a freelance research and write a book od humanrights of Papuan People.

  60. Hi I am from poor family. Bank loan arrange to study BE (Information Technology) in Tamil Nadu… Please to arrange for higher studies to give laptops for more benifitt.. please to higher study…… by your faithfull student…

  61. My son is taking up Biomedical Engineering in Local University (UTAR-Malaysia) and in need for a laptop which is affordable by me. Being a retired soldier hope I can get a cheap or free laptop to help my son’s education. Thank you & regards.

  62. Don kervin P. Calma
    February 24th, 2009 at 6:51 am

    i am about to graduate high school and i need lop top for my studies…. God bless and may the lord bless you

  63. Hi
    I am a disabled man trying to go back to school and i,m in need a computer
    I am on S.S. and thats not enough money to get one my phone number is 270-597-2019 I use a computer at the liberbly. If you know some one that could help please

    james russell

  64. Please give laptop to my victory………
    pls cantact

  65. hi want I want a H.P lappy…….. not free but with some discount……… plz…….

  66. i need a free computer for college for student over age 55

  67. Please i am a medical student who pays for EVERYTHING and i am in desperate need for a laptop….please help me!!!!!

  68. Respected sir, i m a student of telecommunication engineering. i request you to give me a free laptop bcoz i hav some financial problems. I m verythankful to you for this bcoz i want to enhance my studies with the help of you.

  69. sir

    i am not in a good financial status i am not able to buy a laptop for my education though at currently i am doing my MCA course i am definitely in need of it so please give respone to my need and i am waiting for your reply

  70. I am a single Mom of 3 beautiful children. After 13 years I decided to go back to college to get a degree in order to do better for my children. Finances is hard and I need a new computer. the one I am using now I have borrowed and must return by summer. Can anyone help me?

  71. Julio Aldyn P. Valdevilla
    March 20th, 2009 at 2:44 am

    i am asking for a cheap laptop, or a free laptop! this is for the purpose of my study. i am a nursing student from philippines. im currently in my 2nd year and running 3rd yr this next sem!

  72. I am a college student with five kids I am raising. I am taking online courses through kaplan University.Right now I use the librarys computers but you can only use them for 30min at a time which it makes things difficult for me to complete an assignments at one time please let me be the winner.

  73. I am serious need of a laptop for college, I am a single, just divorced mother with no extra funds. I am seeking assistance the laptop I had crashed and I am using what I can from friends, family, libraries. Let me know if your able to help.

    Wendy Rowell

  74. Please i really need a laptop so i can do my school studies

  75. im a foster child i was told i would get a free laptop and my college paid for but when i turned 18 they told me i was no longer a foster child and i didnt get any of it. i am in desperate need but if you dont choose me i understand

  76. im a foster child i was told i would get a free laptop and my college paid for but when i turned 18 they told me i was no longer a foster child and i didnt get any of it. i am in desperate need but if you dont choose me i understand

  77. Hi,i will be joining university this year(2009) on may to study BSc. in computer science,and a laptop would greatly enhance my studies.You can read my whole story in my blog.Thank you

  78. I am 39 years old from Indonesia,with two children. I can’t buying in laptop becauce we not rich famili. I hope so. Thanks

  79. Is HP can also offer a free laptops for the school outside the United Stated. Like in Kiribati SJ College is also studying computer but the number of computer is not enough.

  80. hi pls am an undergraduate in need of a free laptop to do some research pls help me imediately thanks

  81. why do you mention the site for financial aid application to pursue laptop computer?

  82. I would like to see if I could be offered a free computer it dosent have to be the best I need it for college and I am broke please help!!!

  83. Please stretch a point and grant a poor young Albanian philosopher’s wish and need to have a free computer no matter whether it is a laptop or a desktop computer. Hoping that my wish and need is being recognized by you,
    This is Bernard wishing you all the best!

  84. Yes I would like to compete for the laptop. I just started an online college and i dnt have a computer to do it online and it would be easier for me to do it online if i have a computer. right now i have to send everything through the mail and it is very hard to do the bc i work all the time and i dnt have alot of time to put the stuff in the mail. I dnt have a lot of money bc i have aot of bills. So if you could Please give me a computer i would appreciate it so much. Thanks

  85. wow i wish i knew i could get a free laptop when i was a student 🙂

  86. dear madam/sir:
    I’m a collage student ( student of mechanical engineering) and I need a free laptop because in my country laptops are so expensive and I hanve not any money to buy ones. please help me.

  87. Hello I am a medical billing and coding student and I am in need of a laptop for lab puposes and studies, I would like to compete for the laptop giveaway thanks.

  88. please i need this laptop i have no money im on the school cumputer try to win. im taking law to be a cop. i need it.please it will be better to get a 10inch to to take to school thank you

  89. Mario M. Rosas
    May 9th, 2009 at 1:57 pm

    Hi!, Sound great but unfortunally it’s too late.
    Thank you anyway.
    I’ll be in touch.
    Thank you again
    Mario M. Rosas

  90. i can do anything for the laptop.

  91. Sir.,
    My dream is that i completed my Project on my own laptop but i don’t have my own laptop (it is my dream to completed my project work for my study in laptop)I need laptop for my further sudy in collage.
    And i fullied my parent’s dream in futhure
    i will be grateful if my request is granted.
    I request this free laptop because I don’t have enough money to buy one. Please send me this free laptop.

    Thanks and Regards


  92. Naredla Srinivas
    May 22nd, 2009 at 9:03 am


    am poor guy, i want a laptop for start online work.

    please give me a chance to grow myself with laptop.

    kindly send me a laptop gift.

    thanking you.

    Srinivas N

  93. As Howard Thurman said “Don’t ask what the needs, ask what makes you come alive, and go do it, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” For me, this quote means to not ask others what you want to be, you are the one who can make your own decisions. Then, you should share the knowledge to the world all around you.
    I consider myself a middle-class Dominican. As a teenage, life in one way is easy, but as the years pass by, like becomes a long set of stairs that you have to handle step by step.
    There are times in your life when people help you realize you are capable of being what you truly want to be. The person who inspired me to become a better person is my dad. He is thirty-nine years old. His dad did not want him to go to college, so he came to the United States when he was twenty-four years old. In his mind, he thought that moving to the United States would make his dreams of a better life come true. Instead, he found friends that pressured him into choosing a path that shattered all of his dreams, Now, my dad has a miserable life.
    I never knew my mother. I was raised by my grandmother since I was twenty-four days old. When I was eight-years-old, my dad was sent to jail. My friends shut me out because of my family life. But, I tried to always keep my held head high and my mind focused on the future.
    These last two years have brought about so many changes– both good and bad. I went from a warm home to a homeless shelter, which I live in as I write this essay, when my grandmother decided to move back to the Dominican republic, I was left on my own. I decided that I needed to leave school during my senior year and find a full-time job.
    After one month of living with my friends and trying to find a job, I realized that I needed to go back to school, graduate, and go on to college and earn a degree.
    Thanks to my principal, counselor, and teachers I have a now have a place to live. Even thought I am at a homeless shelter, I know that this just one stop in my journey of life.
    I want to become a dentist that gives back to the community. I want to be a dentist that work with people who are and who need help. My dream is to build a dental practice in which everyone is on the same team and all working towards the same goal. When I played varsity volleyball, Coach Brueder taught us how to work as a team and I carry his advice with me always, The volleyball team taught me how to give and take, win and lose, prioritize, and how to build my self-confidence; and when we won a game, I knew that it was because we all worked together.
    Even though I have had too many bad life experiences at my age, I know that they have only made me a stronger, and more motived woman. I survived the bad; now all I see ahead of me is good. I am the only one who has the key to my future. As Auguste Rodin once said, “Nothing is wasted of time, if you use the experience wisely”.

  94. Halo, am a student at Kenyatta University in Kenya pursuing a bachelors degree in community development and i need a laptop for my project management unit. Am hereby requesting for your assistance please.
    Thanks in advance.

  95. HI
    I am student of graphics multimedia and i need too much for laptop please kindly help me. I will thankful to you forever.

  96. hi guyys iam from the international colege do you all want to join me

  97. i’m a poor student from one remote village of tamilnadu. i’m a doing final year M.Sc., chemistry. if you give me laptop, really it will be helpfull to my further research program. definitly i will return back the money of laptop,after finishing the research program. it will take more than five years…

  98. I am studying Computer Science and engineering.. So i am badly in need of a laptop to develop my carrier….. So please help me…….

  99. hi
    i’m an international student living in Pakistan
    i’m so poor
    plz send me a free laptop, i have no money [please . . .. .
    My address: Moh Major Abad Kotha, Teh & Distt Swabi, Vill & P.O Kotha
    pc code:23500
    city : Kotha (Swabi).
    my cell number : +923149871355 or +923459491931

  100. I need a laptop computer,because i have a son has to go to the doctor all the time,he has ceribal pulse.i really need to do my school work when i am away.

  101. please i am chemical engineering student ,so u must give me laptop it will be good for nation

  102. I am trying to go to college westwood online for video games and cgi films i am poor i have a one year old daughter and a fiance i dont work sadly but my girl dose all our money gose to our child and i keep hitting money road blocks for school i want to futher my education so badly but i fear i will not be able to with the price of products i need and schooling i want to give my family the life i never had but with the economy the way it is i cant even buy new boxer briefs so if you can help out a poor person and his family with a new laptop i would appricate it greatly and this computer im on isnt mine either its a friends shows how poor i really am

  103. yaw rideick and andy kusi
    June 21st, 2009 at 11:25 am

    please we are student and we want to konw more about computer but we fine it dificut to konw about it in our school we attaend.
    we i want to apply this mail you to your need to help this probelm for us.
    we hope to hear from you soon as possible.

    thank you
    yaw and andy

  104. kwesi prah stephen
    June 24th, 2009 at 12:50 pm

    i can’t call my self a failure until i see that failure.
    how i which i will be given i free laotop at my age, looking forward to here from you

  105. pls i need laptop for my education

  106. hello, I will be in my first year of college, i plan to get my general degree, and take classes at a junior college for photography and graphic design. i have been intrested in them since 9thgrade. thats when i started taking photography and photoshop and computer classes. so if i get a laptop which im in need of i will use it for college. i plan to takes lots of computer classes, and classes that use the computer. i also take classes online. i will continue to do that. i love working with comouters. so you can please help me that will be wonderfull thank you!

  107. Kipruto Bore Marvin
    July 6th, 2009 at 8:23 am

    Does this also cover university students in Africa?I am an engineering student in KENYA(AFRICA),and am asking if at all I have a fair chance of getting one,if I am even allowed to participate.

  108. Sir i m student of computer science and i need a laptop for my studies i have no money to buy a new or used laptop so plz donate me a laptop i need it very much i live in pakistan and my e-mail address is (adil_khan3644@yahoo.com) you can send me any information and my cell no. is +923338992988 i hope that you will send me a laptop waiting for positive reply.

  109. please i’d really appreciate it if i could be given on of your laptops. this will aid me in my studies. i am a 300 level student reading electrical/electronics engineering in nigeria and i cant afford to buy onne for myself. thank you and God bless you.

  110. I really need a laptop. I am in a homeless shelter trying to go to school.

  111. plz,help me to get a laptop for my studies.i am a student at the national university of rwanda,department of applied statistics.if you want to save the world,include me in your offres.

  112. Hello,
    Im sure there are a lot of great students who are saying the right things to try and get a new computer,but i don’t think there is a such thing as saying the right thing. Most people say things that are made up to get free stuff. I am a student who’s attending Gordon College and it feels great to be starting a new life towards my promising future. I am i Nursing Major and studying hard is what i have to do to make it far. I work during school to pay for book and I am trying to save money for a computer. It is not working at all, saving is very hard for a college student. I really need some help. This new computer will help me in so many ways i cant explain… Make me a winner!!!!

  113. Dear Sir,
    Im student and i need a leptop my study but i have no money to buy so i request kindness please sen me one leptop.
    thanking you Sir

    Yours faithfully,

    PO BOX 641 KOHIMA-797001

  114. Hi, I am a student from norway who is in desperate need of a laptop computer for doing programming in school. Now i have to go to school every time I want to/need to do anything.

  115. please any one send me a hp laptop, i am a student in- Ndejje university,p.o box 7088,kampala,uganda, eastafrica.

  116. Affordable Graphic Design
    July 18th, 2009 at 7:33 am

    woow,what a great post.is that true? free laptop for college students.

  117. I am just graduated from Hazelwood West Senior High School and I am new to college and I will be attending Florissant Valley Community College in fall and I want a computer to be able to do my homework

  118. mashood ul hassan
    July 21st, 2009 at 8:37 pm

    i am student of computer software engineering. i am very poor to pay my college fee. now i am badly needed by laptop. so please buy me a laptop.

    mashood ul hasssan

  119. i am a 45 year old single mom who is out of work and am raising a 5 year old i adopted at birth. i am looking for a free laptop so i can do my school work can you please help me thank u very much for your time

  120. i am student of telecom engineering. i don’t have computer with me. For academic needs i need a laptop so that i can do my engineering in good manner so kindly send me if possible because i cannt afford it, so i need your help

    thanking you in anticipation.

  121. i am student of telecom engineering. i don’t have computer with me. For academic needs i need a laptop so that i can do my engineering in good manner so kindly send me if possible because i cannt afford it, so i need your help

    thanking you in anticipation.

    house no 04, anwar street, ali town, adyala road, rawlpindi pakistan

  122. plz muje laptop de do na. i love u very much

  123. I am a kenyan citizen(yes the kenya where all great long distance
    runners come from)and i was orphaned by the time i was in high school.
    Despite this major setback i still passed my exams very well and managed
    to join a leading local university to study Computer Science.

    Due to the nature of my course,i will require a laptop to facilitate
    my studies.The student loan can barely cater for my living expenses,
    hence i cannot buy a laptop.So a free laptop will be of very much help to me and my studies.

  124. Izhar Hussain Bhutto
    July 25th, 2009 at 1:27 am

    I want a Laptop For My Study For Search Essays And Some Topics For Me and My Brother

  125. p.o. box 898 enuwa post office
    ile ife, osun state, nigeria

  126. you mustgive free laptops for needy engineering students so that tey can work on their projects

  127. Feyi-waboso adaeze
    July 27th, 2009 at 1:22 am

    Gd day sir,am a medical student in Abia state university,Nigeria.i am seriously in need of a laptop that will help me and my reading group a great deal in our studies and unfortunately i cant afford one.I think you can be of help to us.thanks alot for the anticipated support an God bless the organisation.

  128. i reaaly need a free laptop for school

  129. my daughter started college,and she needs a laptop,I can’t afford one I have 5 other kids and this will help me to communicate with her through the libarary.thank you and God bless You.

  130. i am currently enrolled at south university online for parallegal and im working 2 jobs just to pay rent and everything and im just trying to fine a lab top for school

  131. I have arthrogryposis; a muscle disorder; and although this would stop most people from going to college, I am not one of them. My persistence pervails and I am determined to succeed in life. It is financially hard right now for me to attend college and I am struggling to get the funds to purchase a laptop. I could use a laptop for college and would be appreciative. May God bless you if I receive a laptop. Thanks

  132. I need a computer. I’m 18 on my own trying to make it through my first year of college. If anyone needs a computer it’s me, I hate having to beg for a computer, but it’s the only way I could afford to get one. Thank you for considering me.

  133. I reaaly need a free laptop for our NGO,We worked for up lift of poor community in Pakistan.

  134. Good Morning,

    Sir or madaam I’m enrolled at Clayton State University majoring in Nursing (BSN)who is in need of laptop. Part of the requirements of enrollment is that students are required to have laptops.I’m a single mother going back to school,so that I’m able to provide for my four daughters. Financially, its difficult to purchase a laptop with the software and memory that’s needed to meet the school stipulations. If there is anything that could be done to help assist me with a laptop I would be forever grateful.However,I would still like to take the opportunity to say “Thank you for time in reading my request!”
    Mother on a mission,
    ShaVonah Evans

  135. Hello! I really need a laptop becuse i don’t have any PCs or Laptops and I am going to college in two months and i really really need it, I do not get help from anybody and i just relocated to USA from Russia and i do not have much money, so im really hoping i may win it!

  136. These free laptop programs are great for kids in need. I hope someone who can really need it and deserves it will get it.

  137. i want a laptop for free.anybody who can sponsor.i am b-tech 1st yr student.

  138. i am a 15 years old student awaiting admission into the university of ibadan to study medicine and surgery.i really need a laptop to broaden my search about current happenings.i will be most grateful if my need is met.thank you vwery much HP for creating much avenue to meet students wants which no laptop manufacturer has ever done………HP,you are the best

  139. iam a small and midile class person a want free laptop for do something in my life

  140. i currently run an apartment complex for 6 youth that have aged out of foster care. We teach them independent living skills while they are enrolled in a community college. They are in desparate need of a laptop computer that 2 can share..so that would be 3 laptops. I truly believe these youth aged 18-22 are in need of a helping hand so they can complete college by having the resources available to them that a laptop can do…homework, study guides, report writing aid, etc. Please, anyone out there to help! Either donated laptops or very very low cost…I am the crisis/residential coordinator for a non profit mental health facility in broward county florida and would appreciate the community reaching out. Thank you and God bless. MJ

  141. i am am orphan studying and i am facing impossiple troubles
    and i feel thatearthis shaking beneath my feet
    and u will notbelieve me if u knew the real reason for my hope to win that free laptop

  142. I NEED A LAPTOP!!!!

  143. i just started collage i’m 18 , and both parents are on disability . would love to have this .


  145. I am a mother of four kids and am going back to school at 40 years old for my Bachelor of Science and major is Multi Media Design. My kids are 17, 11, 10 and 2. I need any help that is available for me. Thank you.

  146. pls am in need of it badly to aid development of kids in nigeria

  147. please consider me for a free computer i recently had emergency back surgery and got let go from my job! i have 3 kids and i am hoping to go back to school but my college is 40min away and i can’t afford the gas! i really need a computer so i can do some of the classes online. thanksyou

  148. please am a student i need a free laptop so as to enhance my academy. THANKS for your consideration.

  149. please i am a mechanical engineering student. i need a free laptop so as to enhance my studies.

  150. christopher igbaji eneji
    September 4th, 2009 at 8:23 am

    please i need a free laptop to carry on my education.thanks.

  151. I am in school right now and have 4 kids. I’m 23 and alone. I need help and im trying to do online classes because I have no way to get my children in daycare. I am trying to find a laptop

  152. I am a busy mother of 2. I am returning to school and am in need of another computer.
    My son is going to middle school and I learned 75% of the learning is on the computer. Text books etc. I am desperate and have lost my job…Help!

  153. Asish Kumar Bhunia
    September 6th, 2009 at 4:04 am

    I am a student of MCA.My father monthly income is very small.So I face many problem in my study .If you kindly give me a free laptop I can study well.Please give me as soon as possible.

  154. Please help me to get a free computer. I am going back to school and everything has to be typed up. I have four children and no income. I don’t have a sitter to watch my children while I go somewhere just so I can type up my homework. I can barely find a sitter to watch my children while I go to class. Please Help!!!

  155. please i need a laptop to assist me carry out some study or course that i registered for so that i can practice after the class work.
    Thanks in anticipation.

  156. please help in getting the free laptop as i am in need of it.

    i have to do my work and for that i neeed a laptop and here they are so expensive that i can’t afford.

  157. I have been continuosly applying and looking for a free laptop to help me pursue
    my studies for the past one year but to no avail.Iam starting to lose faith in this
    promotions and also in humanity to help needy,undergraduates students from Kenya.

  158. Currently preparing to write my professional exam,need one badly.

  159. please i am a medical student in need of a fre laptop which wil aid me in my studies.

  160. hi,

    sir i am student of MBA,and i had hugely need of labtop for assighments,
    please aid me labtop for study.


  161. i’m an engineering student.it become my basic needs to buy a laptop because without laptop my studies r not smoothly going on.kindly make a situation by which i can buy a laptop.thanking u.

  162. Sir, I draw ur kind attention that im a college student & I feel the lack of a Laptop pc very much. I cant buy 1. So, sir plz help me in this regard. Sir plz provide me a laptop……..anybody can hear me ???? Plz plz plz help me……..

    From —- Bangladesh. My E-mail address — zulkernine@yahoo.com
    My cell number —- 01671385961/01712328967 …….PLZ SOMEBODY HELP ME…….

  163. we want computers for 2nd yearin college //… fg college mardan cantt for boys. near bughdadda…
    we havent laboratery
    thank you!

  164. honorable and respectable sir,
    with great reverence humble and submission i wanna draw your attention on this matter that i m an international student living in Pakistan and you are well known about the circumstances of Pakistan. I wanna be a good business man to serve better life to my parent and take care of them very conveniently. And i think i must deserve to get this laptop. tHanks
    Well Wisher and hopping your response
    hashim Raza
    Address: House # A- 2118, Gulshan-e-Hadeed Phase 2, Bin Qasim Town Karchi-49, Sindh, Pakistan, Postal code:- 75010.

    wating for your response……………….

  165. Sir I am an engineering student in Mehran University, my department is Architecture & I am now learning the course of civil drafting which is based on computer system. I need a HP laptop to carry out my course by designing & building structures. It is request to you to give me a laptop so, that I can continue my studies.

  166. Hi this is Julia Austin from Lahore, pakistan. I am a mathematics teacher and also do some private research wokr for minority issues. As the technology is every where I want to have a laptop that I can use innovatively to deliver lectures to my students and slo to do my research work. I would be glad that if you would help me out in this. I would be grateful. plz do get back to me in either case.
    Julia Austin

  167. dear sir,
    iam poor student of class frist year college, my fahter is a famer, and everybody know about pakistan, so their life is going on difficult, may be my english is weak because iam from a unedcuated village,please sir help me!kindly please sir send me a leptop.

    name: Fayaz Ahmed
    from: sindh/ dadu/ gorakh hill station

  168. dear sir,
    iam poor student of class frist year college, my fahter is a famer, and everybody know about pakistan, so their life is going on difficult, may be my english is weak because iam from a unedcuated village,please sir help me! please sir send me a leptop.

    name: Fayaz Ahmed
    from: sindh/ dadu/ gorakh hill station

  169. I want to need laptop.

    Please note my address:

    11/C/3 R,662 Sir Syed Town North Karachi – Pakistan
    Postal Code – 75850

  170. Hi,
    Iam a computer engineering student and i did’nt have any laptop as i can’t buy it. So kindly give me a laptop ,which aids my study well.
    Thanking in anticipation.

    Ajaz Ahmed

  171. hi im allen
    im in desprate need of a laptop my family and i are very poor and cant afford for a laptop, ive tried many free laptop offer’s online at my friend’s place but none were true. kindly help me it’s for my school purpose id be greatfull if someone help’s me out. ill do my best in competitions, even if there is a gaming event im sure i can win it….. please help me out


  172. hi! i want a classical laptop for my study because i am doing I.com (Intermediate in Commerce) from Rise School Of Accountancy Multan, Pakistan. I shall be very thankful to you…

  173. Please hurry i am very worry. my contact number is +923336189833

  174. i`m student from macedonia (university) i need for one laptop and printer but not have money to shop because barely pay the obligations of faculty my parents not working can to help me bye and thank you

  175. i am a student which family cannot provide full material for my study.So that i can’not give my free attention to my study.And i want to study engeneer so that i want a free laptop.Please provide me laptop,sir.

  176. i am a student in the catholic University of Eastern Africa in Kenya.
    I am a 4th year writing my research. I am kindly requesting for a laptop to write this project.

  177. In theological college but can’t afford a lap top. I need one to use while writing research papers and preparing sermons.

  178. pastor joseph shonga
    October 29th, 2009 at 10:13 am

    i want to enter the draw please that may bible studies can be well

  179. I’m Addisu. I’m Engineering student in Adama University. I want to have my own laptop because it helps my study specially in designing using Auto cads and programming using Java and c++. But I haven’t enough money to buy.
    I’m waiting by praying to have a laptop. and now I’m asking for those who have a laptop to aid me.
    Thank you!!!

  180. hi
    I am a poor student I need a laptop now badly
    if that is not possible…i WOULD BE HAPPY TO GET OLD LAPTOP

    so please help me

  181. i need a laptop free. waiting for your eraliest reply.

    Please note our address as below:

    Attn: Mr. Atif Ali

    11/C/3 R, 662 Sir Syed Town North Karachi – Pakistan
    Postal Code – 75850

    Tel: 92-21-36942996

  182. i want alaptop

  183. please i am so mush in for a laptop for my university programs.Thanks

    November 13th, 2009 at 4:12 am

    my name is Jasper, am a evangelist here in TANZANIA, I have been getting the problems of the lack of computer to write my projects, seminars, and keeping the documents and am not able to buy on my own.
    now i’m here to ask the help from you. may you send me one laptop!
    my address is:
    P.O.BOX 83

  185. i need a free laptop here in ile ife, osun state\ nigeria.

  186. As I mentioned above my name is bereket .I am 22 years old an Ethiopian boy.I learn in HARAMAYA UNIVERSITY.I want free laptop which helps my study.My parents are poor & can’t buy me computer.Thank you & God may bless you.

  187. hellow sir/madam. i’m ilmudeen from sri lanka and i’m a undergraduate reading Management Information System degree.immediately I need a laptop to continue my studies without any barriers.so please help me as sponsorship/ give a free labtop.

    i would be grateful to you if you could help me to buy a labtop.
    i expect a positive reply from you soon.

    you may let me know the person / organization who sponsors/ donate to buy a labtops for undergraduates.

    thanks a lot.

  188. I need a free laptop as i am a poor guy and student of MBA. So, if possible pls arrange a free laptop for me.

  189. pls,am an Architecture student,who need a free laptop that suits me for autocad and design.Am waiting for a reply.

  190. I need an laptop fore school

  191. Hello Sir,
    Iam a Law student in K.G.K moradabad and need of a free laptop in my studies.

  192. i am apple mae bayron.i am a bs accountancy student and at the same time working part time as a service crew in a fast food chain.coz as a working student having a laptop will be a very big help specially in my studies coz i am a self supporting student and i really cant afford to buy a laptop.hope you consider me.thank you.

  193. I’m disabled and attending Laguardia Community College ever since 7/05/07 with out a computer to help me with my studies. So can you please help me get one!! You may call me at my number 1-347-335-2843 Thank You!!

  194. i wish, i wouldnt hold my breath. :L

  195. I want a Laptop b/c i am an ict student of college in Ethiopia so if u can he Help me.


  197. good

  198. I really need a laptop bad it would be so nice to get one from you. i need it for studys and test that i need to get done so if you could be any help that would be nice:) thanks alot.

  199. i need for a laptop because i`m student in University and i can`t buy laptop because my parents not working not have money pls help me
    my address Orizare,Kumanovo,Macedonia 1307

  200. hi, i am a criminal justice student who really needs a laptop to be able to complete some of my courses. i really need a free laptop so that i can get further ahead. im not able to afford one because i am struggling very bad. so can you please help me by choosing me for a free laptop.

  201. hello all friends kindly help me I am blind student and I need a laptop plz help me for my study. Good bless

  202. hello I am blind student and I need a laptop for my study. plz help me and thanks my email id is hammad.islamabad@gmail.com


  204. My name is kevin and i have been attending school to be a private investigator for the past 2 years. i have one year left. 4 months ago i had surgery on my brain and ear so i fell far behind everyone else. Im looking for help for a laptop so i can make my family proud and finsh school. ive gone to far now to have to quit. please help

  205. Prince Adu Gyamfi
    January 5th, 2010 at 6:11 am

    I am Ghanaian and wish to have a laptop from samsung or sony

  206. Prince Adu Gyamfi
    January 5th, 2010 at 6:18 am

    I am Ghanaian and wish to have a laptop because i will starting my university studies by next year and i need this laptop to enhance all my project work may the good God richly bless you to help me get this laptop.Thank you very much

  207. i am study bca
    i am also work part time job.
    i need a computer for my studies.
    pls help………

  208. I am in great need for a computer or a laptop for college. I am a freshman at WKU. I need a computer to help keep me up on my email assignments so I won’t have to walk over two miles to the computer center sometimes even at night alone. My professors send me assignments on the blackboard and on my email letting me know what I am expected to do for the next class. Having a computer to work on would help me when I have to work long hours typing papers or working on my assignments. This would keep me safe because I would be in my dorm room not worrying about having to walk back watching over my shoulder focusing on my assignment.

  209. hi i am doing bachlors in computer science but i havent pc so u can understand what problem i have been facing during my study kindly solve not my only but my whole family problem by sending me a laptop,
    Kamran Khatti
    C/o Danish Electronics Quid-e-Azam road near OCS office Badin Sindh Pakistan postal code 72200

  210. gud day… i am Nissan… i am a theology seminarian in one of the seminaries in the Philippines… i really need a laptop for my studies since it demands a lot of paper works… hope u can help me in this regard..thank you….

  211. gud day… i am Nissan… i am a theology seminarian in one of the seminaries in the Philippines… i really need a laptop for my studies since it demands a lot of paper works… hope u can help me in this regard..thank you…. my address: Seminario Mayor de San Carlos, Juan Luna Ave., Mabolo, Cebu City, 6000, Philippines

  212. gud day… i am Nissan… i am a theology seminarian in one of the seminaries in the Philippines… i really need a laptop for my studies since it demands a lot of paper works… hope u can help me in this regard..thank you…. my address: Seminario Mayor de San Carlos, Juan Luna Ave., Mabolo, Cebu City, 6000, Philippines… am looking forward with great hope that u can address my need because i cant afford to buy one… thanx

  213. sir i am doing bachlors in computer science without pc because my parent cant afford to buy computer,now u can understand what kind of problems i have been facing, kindly send me laptop so that i can continue my study
    Kamran Khatti
    C/o Danish Electronics Quid-e-Azam road
    near OCS office Badin Sindh Pakistan,
    Zip Code 72200

  214. My family bearly has enough money to send me to college and i need a laptop to keep all my studies for my degree. I wish to become a high school english teacher, but will need a computer at home to work with.

  215. Ten (10) girls from remote communities in the Volta Region of Ghana, at tatiary needs laptop for their studies.

    Please help.

  216. i am student osf anthropolgy i have needed laptop

  217. i would like to receive a laptop for engineering drawings

  218. i would like to receive laptop for engineering drawing

  219. I would like to get a laptop!

  220. I’m 18 and I’m in Advance Secondary level, which is regarded as College in developed countries like yours. I’m a poor student, studying on a loan, all the way from Tanzania. I wish to have a laptop, either used or new, depending on how touched you will be by this message. This facility will assist me in my studies. My father passed away when I was 14, thus I miss someone to purchase such a commodity for me, for my mother whom my family and I depend is getting paid less than $4000 per year.
    My address is
    Noel Harvey
    P.o Box. 32841,
    Dar es Salaam,
    East Africa.

    Mobile: +255 719 883 902

  221. Iam a College student whereby a computer is really needed for a student to do assignments and other required works. Because of my poor background I am unable to buy a laptop for me. May I ask you to help me so that I may be able to be fast and effective in my studies.
    Charles Mabisa
    Scott Theological College
    Box 49,

  222. Marco Luma Mahushi
    January 14th, 2010 at 11:43 am

    I am a student of Scott University in Kenya, whereby there is a great need of a laptop for asignments and homework. I therefore request you to consider me in order to be able to do all asignments accordingly.
    I will really apreciate,

  223. Marco Luma Mahushi
    January 14th, 2010 at 11:54 am

    I request you to think of assisting me with a laptop for studies at Scott Christian University in Kenya.
    I hope that will consider my request.
    Thak you

  224. Please i need a laptop computer bad.

  225. please make me the winner because im an engineering student who really need laptop for my design subjet!thx

  226. respected sir,
    i am a poor student doing my BE in computer science.i am doing part time job and studying it is very difficult for me to buy laptop so please grand me free laptop

    thank you

  227. i want to compete for the laptop to enhance my studies so please give me a chance.

  228. thank,s

  229. i am very needful for Laptop. please give me a laotop. i am very thankfull to u

  230. thanks alot for the good works. Actually, i am an undergraduate of one of the universities in Nigeria, studying computer science. And i need a laptop computer to enable and quicken my learning skills. please i really need a laptop computer, please help me as you’ve helped others to meet their needs. thanks and God bless!

  231. i am doing my ME Avionics 2nd year in MIT Anna University if you provide laptop ,its so useful to me.

  232. i am doing my ME Avionics 2nd year in MIT Anna University if you provide laptop ,its so useful to me.

  233. i need a laptop for studies i m very poor and i not required money for buy the laptop

  234. I am interested in the free computers for students.

  235. I want compete for the laptop

  236. I saw a television comercial recently where an Indian girl (?) is sitting in a hut with a dirt floor holding a new laptop. We Americans are to support this program. My daughter is a sophmore in college – all paid for by loans, grants and scholarships – and must try to find time in her schedule to make it to the library to use their computers as we could NEVER afford one for her. America is not the giant that it was – we need help too.

  237. please i am a medical student and i need a laptop to help make my studies easier

  238. I need a laptop because in our country have loadshutting

  239. I would like to thank you for your helping. I beseech you to help us to reach the poor and illiterate people on upsurging social vices they indulge in rural communities. I am with a group going outreach to many villages to educate our fellow brothers and sisters about HIV/AIDS, teenage pregnancy and other social cankers. We need laptop for our presentation for all these rounds. Therefore, our intention and voluntary work we put to ourselves demands this and many items to make our work more easier. Thank you and hope my request will meet your kindest consideration and approval.

    Deeper Life Campus Fellowship,
    Ghana, West Africa.


  241. Requesting a laptop that I really need for college work and research.


    POST COD 38000

  243. please give the details to get the free laptop.

  244. i need a free laptop for school

  245. iam a single mom of two and iam desprate i need a laptop for college can someone please direct me where i can get a grant or student loan please

    March 3rd, 2010 at 3:12 am

    I still requesting the faver for the free laptop because I’m on need of it.
    This is my second time on the request
    I will be glad, if I will be considered.
    Thank you.
    J. Byabashaija

    March 3rd, 2010 at 3:15 am

    For any mail contact, use:
    P.O.BOX, 26,

  248. Ikechukwu Wisdom Okorochukwu
    March 3rd, 2010 at 4:40 am

    please I need free laptop for my studies and research, I will be grateful to almighty God the father, The Son and The Holy Spirity, Amen,

    53, Macauley Street,
    Abia state,
    +234 (0) 7035024388

  249. Kikem Johnson Nansak
    March 3rd, 2010 at 2:29 pm

    I’m a building student. A laptop computer is paramount in building design and construction. I’ll be very grateful if you me a free laptop.

    Kikem Johnson Nansak. Dept. Of Building, University of Jos, PMB 2084 Jos-plateau state Nigeria. West Africa.

  250. Hey am a computer student and would be soon joining University in May I am in need of a laptop. This is because most of my lessons I will be learning through the computer and those in the Lab are not reliable
    P.O.Box 501 00518
    +254 719510136

  251. my name is prince antwi i am a poor boy interested in studies.i am a computer science student so please may God touch someones heart to provide me with a laptop.any one.a beggar has no choice thank you.

  252. please this is my adress.p.o.box as449,kumasi
    ghana,west africa

  253. Thanks for good information that comes out to read.

  254. n.sivaramakrishnan
    March 9th, 2010 at 5:59 am

    I am a ece student.i need a laptop for my studies.

  255. Did I miss the contest??

  256. I am a 54 year old african american on socal security attending college in Atlanta, ga., Iam currently attending Bauder college. I am in desperate need of a laptop computer to help me with my studies. if anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated. I can be reached at khoward2630@gmail.net or 404-388-4198
    thank you

  257. I am a University student of post graduate in English Literature,but still I do not have my own laptop so I am unable to accomplish my duty expected of me.So please, I am looking forward to be benefited from your generous hands to send me a free laptop.
    Thank you!

  258. i am a school instructor and unable to buy one for i receive a low salary, and could not do what i suppose i hoped to since i could not access online materials for my students.now, i expect u to prioritize my request and send me a free laptop so soon.

  259. pls i need a labtop i’m so i can go back to school so i can make some thing of my self

  260. yes i’m looking for you to send me a free labtop yes send me 1 pls i want to make some thing of my self pls

  261. I’m a student at Everest University and I’m really having trouble completing presentations and other homework for school, because of transporttation reasons. If it is possile for me to receive a lab top or even a desktop computer, I would be very thankful for it. Email me if you need more information, like my address to send the item.
    Thanks, Luquinon Cottle

  262. I really hate to be giving you a sob story you have probably heard them all, I am 45 years old decided to go to college after my daddy died Sept.2009 we always talked about it now i’m doing it yea. Started Itt Tech in Dec. I was buying a laptop from a rent to own then lost my job middle of Jan.on top of that my mom died the end of Jan.2010 and I also couldn’t pay for my computer because of losing my job. had to leave school to deal with everything but now I am re-entered and have started college again but having to use whoevers computer I can to do homework. Believe me it is very difficult because I have to download so much on dirrerent computers in order to try and do my homework I just need a laotop of my own to download everything on it instead of everybody else. Please can you help me as soon as possible I am frustrated at having to use everyone else computer i appreciate them letting me use theirs but i really need my own. Is there anyway you can please help me please?

  263. hi, I am a 25 year old self-employed 4 year college student. im in need of a laptop computer because there is an unlimited number of resources i can us for school, along wit job opportunities, and or web based business opportunities.

  264. HI I am poor student and i read in 2ndyear class i have not enough money for computer please give me a computer.

  265. i dont have money to get a laptop,and am about going into college. I need one really soon,it would me with homeworks and in class.

  266. i iam poor from india. ineed help for school

  267. i am bilal & i also want a laptop i am also a student of collage
    & my collage name is govt collage of commerce

  268. i am in need of a laptop, as i am a home based student and have to study through internet from online lectures and notes. i am from pakistan and doing my mba home program through a govt uni. i just need one i dont mind if its an old piece, i just want it to work.

  269. DEAR SIR ,


  270. i will like to have free laptop to enhance my studies
    olorunloto solomon a.
    no6, oro road adewole estate,ilorin,kwara state nigeria

  271. Dear sir,

    I am poor student from India. Sir for my future study i need a laptop. so please sir give me an laptop. I am very eager to study more.Please grant me a laptop.

  272. I love this site!

  273. wubeshet kassa
    May 3rd, 2010 at 5:37 am

    i need very immediatly b/c am gc student in AAU ETHIOPIA

  274. wubeshet kassa
    May 3rd, 2010 at 5:38 am

    i need it very very

  275. I urgently need a laptop for my studies as i m a student of MIT.
    and i can’t buy it ..plz help me

  276. Dear sir or madam
    Greeting from Phnom Penh,Cambodida
    Today I try to seach in the internet to find someone can support me a laptop,It’s so important for my study about Mechanical engineering in 3 years that I use with AutoCade,without it, i cannot study well.I am poor student so that why I cannnot have the money to buy a laptop and do need someone to thelp me. I hope you will have agood condsideraction with this request,and you can contact me (+855)77 807 800

  277. Dear sir or madam
    Greeting from Phnom Penh,Cambodida
    Today I try to seach in the internet to find someone can support me a laptop,It’s so important for my study about Mechanical engineering in 3 years that I use with AutoCade,without it, i cannot study well.I am poor student so that why I cannnot have the money to buy a laptop and do need someone to thelp me. I hope you will have agood condsideraction with this request,and you can contact me (+855)77 807 800

  278. Windel de Gracia
    May 11th, 2010 at 12:38 pm

    Dear Sir / mam
    Greeting from philippines
    I Have tried to find in the internet for some grants to support me in my school fees,i’m the not the only one who support my self right now but they dont really give me of what i need,im just 16 years old now but i really realise what life is I really want to help my-self,my parents and for my future.hoping your consideration…

  279. Windel de Gracia
    May 13th, 2010 at 3:08 am

    Dear Mam/Sir
    Greetings from Philippines
    I am Windel Rey E. de Gracia 15 years old, a high school student of the Pasay City East High School. I am no longer able to support my studies due to financial constraints and that my family financial needs continue to grow.
    In view of this, I would like to request your good office for financial assistance so that I could be able to continue my graduate studies. This is not only for my professional growth but also to my future and my family.
    I am willing to be contactacted at your most convenient time. I can be contacted through my emaill address.
    I am hoping for your positive response about the matter.
    Thank you very much.
    Sincerely yours,

  280. Wow! how nice is this article? Is this give away a free laptops?
    how could i avail this one? i am a college student here and i am totally in need of laptop because it’s necessary to use it for my course…

  281. i need a laptop seriously for my computer science course. pls include me

  282. I am a University student undergraduate in Mining Engineering,andd with high use of computers am unable to do my work on time and am finding difficulties in managing my project because of lack of a personal computer.once have a personal computer i will able to meet all my challenges without difficulties.So please, I am looking forward to be benefited from your generous hands to send me a free laptop.
    Thank you!

  283. mobilya modelleri
    June 3rd, 2010 at 11:21 pm

    Hey, i’ve been reading this blog for a while and have a question, maybe you can help… it’s how do i add your feed to my rss reader as i want to follow you. Thanks.

  284. pls i am student in nigeria….i studies politcal science i need a laptop to know more of my outside world…

  285. if you dont have the opportunity to stand by your self you may forced to look at others hand ,though it is difficult.

  286. hi my name is amanuel and i am now just finished third year of ma civil enigineering course and i need a laptop to do ma projects properly and efficiently and i cant do it manually.


  288. i am a 37 year old single mother of two. i have went back to school to get my G.E.D after 19 years, and am now attending college at Martin Methodist College in Pulaski, Tn. I am in my Sophomore year. I really need a computer i cannot afford one at this present time. i was told that i could go on this website and get one free. please help me.

  289. Hi!
    I am a student of auto-card so i need a pc i am very grateful of u if my humble request is granted.
    Plzzzzzzzzzz i need it

  290. Hi!
    I am a student of auto-cad so i need a pc i am very grateful of u if my humble request is granted.
    Plzzzzzzzzzz i need it

  291. I Need a Laptop for my Study If U Give Me Laptop I will Be Very Thankful To You………..


  293. PLEASE, I AM VERY POOR STUDENT I really need a laptop to continue my studies
    i just gained admission into the university thank u

  294. please help with a laptop, this is my humble appeal in the name of Jesus christ. my number is 0540505977. hmm i dont even have a phone.

  295. Free laptops? that would be a great motivation for students to pursue their college.

  296. Ihave been believing God for a personal computer to easy my studies and research.Much of this i have been doing in the Cyber Cafes in at many times charges me a lot. This has made my study lwhich though earning penutes i have been struggling to pay. Istudy theology and is in my 2year. Y

  297. I have been believing God for a personal computer to easy my studies and research.Much of this i have been doing in the Cybercafe which at many times charges me a lot. This has made my study which though earning peanuts i have been struggling to pay. I study theology and is in my 2year.

  298. compliments please i come from a home where i cannot lay hands on a laptop.plsease im desperately in need of one.thanks

  299. i need very immediately b/c am GC student in AMU ETHIOPIA

  300. I want free laptop for my studes why means my father is watch man i can foeches plesec help me address #18 pooja comforts,18th cross,33rd main j p nagar 6th phase ,bangalore-78

  301. Im a kenya student studying medical labotory sciences degree at kenya methodist university.Im from a poor family,please help me get a free lap top for my studies.My address is as follow

    POST BOX 4177–00100

  302. I would like to sign up for a laptop

  303. i would love to have a laptop to do ma homewrok ready for ma gcse’s

  304. Hmmm omg crazy for a free laptop yup i dont believe so will a company give free laptop for us no way i dont believe it nay look instead of giving us ta free laptop any way i dont have one but still i wanna tell u is tat there is so many beggars on ta indian streets why dont u feed them some food for a day ok coz now days we all of us gets some scolarship from college right hmmm and some poketmoney from our students being a good students and a good citizens we mus help ta poor pple some times k cool keep up ur good works for helping us any way sir free laptop no way i dont believe it no way i think its a lie …

  305. I am an engineering student and would like to own a labtop to enhance my research. Through your assistance i would be able to communicate with inventors and inovators as i am trying to develop environmental friendly motor that would see the consumption of fuel reduced. There are several ideas but resources are scarce.
    Thanks in advance.

  306. i am fith year student at ADDIS ABEBA UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF VETERINARY MEDICINE (Ethiopia) preparing myself to write the DVM (dOCTOR OF VETERINARY MEDICINE)thesis for graduation next year. Crrenttly i am using my friends laptop, but if i get a free laptop it will assist me in defending my externship exam & to continue my MSC sudy which will have great importance to change my life in particular & my society looking for veterinary service at large.whatever your answer could be i am eagely looking for it.

  307. Am a boy of 17years in GHANA and i wish to apply for a computer from u.I have completed Junior High School and I will be going to the COLLEGE on October.
    please i have an aim of becoming a pastor, a lawyer and a philanthropist..
    please it is very hard to get one in GHANA here…



  308. Hi am Titus from kenya.student of information studies. I ope you consider my request since i can’t afford.God bless you.

  309. Dear Sir,

    I am from developing country (Ethopia) i need free laptop for my education. I am a computer Science student. And i have no access to buy laptop.

    Thank you

    Alemtsehai Deribe
    Ethiopia, Addis Ababa
    P.O.Box 2468 Code 1250

  310. Dear Sir,

    I am from developing country (uganda) i need free laptop for my education TO WORK ON MY THIRD YEAR PROJECT. I am a computer Science student. And i have no FUNDING to buy laptop.

    Thank you
    mbarara university of science and technology
    P.O BOX 1410, Mbarara, Uganda

  311. im student of open university of tanzania due to financial poor and all situation of studying become difficult also i request laptop for studying i hope that my request is considered thanks and my god bless you. my contact is
    ZIP CODE +255
    PHONE 0755490394

  312. i really need this laptop because it will go a long way to help me in my studies. Thank u

  313. Hey, Even I’d like a laptop, to be able to keep abreast with latest technology worldwide, via the internet.

  314. sir. iwant laptop free to continue my plz …….

  315. Hello,

    I am a Hurricane Katrina victim who lost everything I own when it demolished my Louisiana home. My computer, which I had had for just under a year, was destroyed as well. I also had no home insurance and refused to take money from FEMA, with all of their mishandling of it. I also was forced to move to Wisconsin due to the affects by the Hurricane. I have not been able to find a permanent job here yet. I keep working supposed temp to hire jobs but I keep getting lied to and laid off once companies’ work is caught up. Everytime I think I’m close to buying my brand new computer again, I get laid off and have to save that money to survive. I have no family up here in Wisconsin. My Mom has been passed away for a few years and I just lost my Dad on January 1, 2010. When Dad died, he had no insurance or money so I had to pay to bury him. It has been extremely hard. I would like to go to school and get a Computer Hardware Tech degree because I have already taught myself quite a bit. I just need the degree to get a good job or begin my own business. However, I need a tablet laptop, or at least a laptop computer, to advance in my classes. It’s not a need in a sense that I Have to have it before I start classes, but it is needed. I hope you can read my story and understand and relate to my sincereness and desperation for a computer in order to make myself a better life. I am sure there are people out there that are in need as well and are worse off than me, but if given a free new computer, I would dedicate my computer knowledge and skills to help people and at no charge, whether it be computer repair or helping them move, etc… I am saying that I would return the favor of being given a new computer by giving back to my community and state by helping anyone that is in need and cannot afford to pay for help. Please choose me as one of the recipients of a had new computer, desktop, laptop, or tablet laptop (preferred). You will not ever regret choosing me. Thanks for reading and for your advanced consideration!


    Brian W.

  316. please i am a freshman at Tri-C in cleveland ohio and in need of a computer for classes if there is anyone whom can donate one to me I would greatly appreciate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks alot
    Josh M

  317. HI I am an IT club president in Ethiopia which is in africa; we give trainings to college srudents and we are trying to build the first digital library in Ethiopia.
    We have an office and a desktop but that ain’t feive percent satisfying becouse, when we go to teach or lecture we have to carry a big desktop to the lecture hall and after that we have to take it back to the office this has been happening for almost a year now but now we are searching for free laptops atleast three in number and it would be a great help if we could find one from you guys who are out there with the information and access to potentailed people than us here who don’t know what to do but teach.

  318. i have just been admitted to Atlantic international; university for mass communication scholarship(distance learning ) am finding it difficult to do the assignments from the cafe and most times powers goes off as you Ugandan .am in UGANDA

  319. please i am a computer science student in (distance learning) NOUN, and i have so many assignment to be done right now on computer and am also during researched on some software and have being bowing laptop from my friend some time i go to cafe, and my parent are not financially ok, please i will need your help in getting laptop for my education.

    from: Adedokun Seyi stay in Nigeria

  320. im student of govt.college daulatpur district shaheed benazirabad sindh pakistan due to financial poor and all situation of studying become difficult also i request laptop for studying i hope that my request is considered thanks and my God bless you. my contact is
    P.O Daulatpur District Shaheed Benazirabad
    province sindh Pakistan. plz help sir

  321. Khalid Hassan S/o Muhammad Hassan Solangi
    January 14th, 2011 at 2:56 pm

    i want to compete for the laptop to enhance my studies so please give me a chance

  322. i want to compete for a free laptop computer

  323. i want to compete for a free laptop computer because im a college student and i am online but i have no computer at home and i have to go long areas to study i really need iht please ):

  324. Eleanor @ St Augustine 4G Wireless
    January 18th, 2011 at 2:40 pm

    Hello there, just stopped by doing some research for my St. Augustine 4g site. Can’t believe the amount of information out there. Looking for something else, but very nice site. Have a great day.

  325. My name is Beth from Engineering institute,doing a diploma in Information Technology.I need a laptop for my studies and project creation. I hope my dream will come true if you consider me.Thank you.

  326. i want free laptop please give me this laptop help me in my studies…………..

  327. am in the university ,at ghana and need a laptop to do my project work.my tell is +233240565558.pls kindly contact me for more verification on my personal details.thank u

  328. I am samia. I am badly in need of a laptop.I have come from a poor family.My financial status is not good . So though i have a wish to have a laptop I can not buy it .I need a laptop for my education.I have obtained GPA 5.00 in both Secondary and Higher Secondary exam.My contact no is : +8801558670735 .For further details please contact with me.

  329. I really needa free computer that I can use to do my studies and school research. I am the soul supporter of a family of 4 . Two people with disabilities, and an elderly person. My income is nill due to a recent surgery. Please help if possible.

  330. Hi! I am studying public Health and now I am in great need of Laptop free from charge to successfully get full knowledge in order to serve people in the long future! Please try to understand me & stretch your hands for help! Thanks!
    From Ethiopia.


    P.O BOX 90


  333. Hai I am very poor student. I need laptop for my education purpose. so please you give a laptop my knowledge has been build.

    Thank you

  334. Hai I am very poor student. I need laptop for my education purpose. so please you give a laptop my knowledge has been build.

    Thank you

    S/o, Paramanandham
    88, kamarajar salai,

  335. Hi, honourables, I am Mr. Stephen Chibuike from Lagos State, Nigeria. Honourables, I highly commend you people for your good works, and I recommend that you people should keep on with your good works. Hoourables, I completed my High School Education last two (2) years ‘2009’. Honourables I want to study mechanical enginering but the college (university) I want to study the mechanical engineering insisted that laptop must be a prerequisite for their admission. And honourables my parents do not have the huge amount of money laptop salers place their laptops. Neither do I even have up to $10 much more $500 to buy a laptop here in my country “Nigeria”. So, please honourables! please honourables !! please honourables!!! I want you people to help me to secure admission in this wounderful college (university) by sending to me a laptop of any kind or any model. Honourables, mechanical engineering requires high level of research and there is no way a non
    researcher can excel in this course. Please, honourables help me to further my education; help me to become a genius in this field of mechanical engineering by sending to me a laptop of any model. Please honourables! do not ignore my appeal or request because you people do not know me in person but honourables I want you people to be sympathetic to me. I want you to think if you are the person that have the zeal and the enthusiam to study; to further your education but only laptop wil prevent you from furthering your education. Just think if you are the one in this critical field of study. Please honourables! please honourables!! help me out of this awful situation by sending to m ae laptop of any model. Honourables, if it touches you to send me any laptop; you can send it to me through my home address. My home address is: Plot 3 Anifowose Avenue, off Ayoola Bus-Stop Abesan Estate, Ipaja, Lagos State, Nigeria. I am expecting your response. Yours
    faithfully, Stephen (Mr.)

  336. adjei gyasi richard
    April 8th, 2011 at 5:02 am

    dear sir or madam, im a student in ghana i need a free hp laptop to enchance my students because that is my friends use and they say its great.i am begging for one to enchance my studies.i am always left out when it comes to IT in class and i find it difficult because my mother can not buy me one.i would be every glad and greatful if hthe company can give me one.thanks very much.
    P.O.BOX CE 11861 TEMA

  337. adjei gyasi richard
    April 8th, 2011 at 5:07 am

    Mr adjei gyasi richard(MAGR)
    thanks ones again.i hope you will use your power in office to help me.

  338. adjei gyasi richard
    April 8th, 2011 at 5:09 am

    dear sir or madam, im a student in ghana i need a free hp laptop to enchance my students because that is my friends use and they say its great.i am begging for one to enchance my studies.i am always left out when it comes to IT in class and i find it difficult because my mother can not buy me one.i would be every glad and greatful if the company can give me one.thanks very much.
    P.O.BOX CE 11861 TEMA

  339. Assabie Mihretie
    April 9th, 2011 at 3:01 am

    Dear Sir,or Madam

    I am from developing country (Ethiopia) I have a great desire for a free laptop for my education. I am a postgraduate student in planing & management in Bahir Dar university . And I have no fund to buy laptop to facilitate my study.So if you have an access please send me a lap top.

    Thank you

    Assbie Mihretie
    Ethiopia, BAHIR DAR
    P.O.Box 1383 CODE 101

  340. respected sir/madam
    i have four children and all are going college/school. i have poor background and unable to purchase LAPTOP for my children and my best try that may children get high standard education. if u arrange a laptop for my children i will be thank full if u understand that a laptop is essential y then pls send me free laptop


    shoukat malik

  341. respected sir/madam
    my name shiferw i am student in thological college.and in a curent high cost i could not bay a lap top where as my learning is need lap top to do more work. so i am very intersted to be have this tool. and you can write for or sent for me. thank you.

  342. hello
    i am a sixth year veterinary medicine student undergoing research of graduation at Addis Ababa University School of Veterinary Medicine.Computers make works easier and help in succeeding in works ,but owning them in developing countries like ours is to difficult for students in collage so we are wasting our time in searching funds for this.please if you can, help me by donating a laptop or by giving address of apotential organizations which helps me to make my dream real.
    thank you

  343. I am a Srilankan Student. I want A laptop To My studies.
    Please Help Me.

  344. Dear sir/madam,
    I’m very great-full to write you, please I am in need of a lap top to support me in my up coming project work/research work in the next three months to come.Please I am counting on your favorable support, thank you. I school at Takoradi.
    my postal address is;
    Presbyterian church of Ghana
    p.o box 54,
    Asankragwa-Western region.

  345. john ravindranath
    April 20th, 2011 at 12:14 am

    sir i am a pastor i need a laptop for my higher studies thank you and god bless you

  346. i will be very grateful if i can get one thank you

  347. Dear Sir/Madam,

    I am MSC. (chemistry) student in ethiopia and i need laptop for my up coming research.
    thank you.

  348. i need laptop

    May 1st, 2011 at 7:44 am

    please i am Ebenezer from Ghana and a seminarian from st. Gregory the Great provincial major seminary.i am appealing to you to help me to obtain a laptop to ease my difficulties in learning. sometimes i have to type a 5000 words assignment in 3 days. i do not have a laptop so i have to beg from a colleague. i am unable to present a complete assignment because i do not have the means like laptop to aid my typing. i am from a poor family and cannot afford a laptop. i will be very grateful if you could extend to me your benevolence. May the peace of the lord be with you.

  350. For the promotion of your products i will be grant when you send me a laptop.I am in the university in Kenya and by doing so will continue marketing the products to my fellow students.

  351. I m Sultan Ahmed I m doing Msc Economics from Karakurum International University Gilgit- Could any one help me in getting a laptop for doing my research work. It will be a mile stone in my educational career.


  352. abdul hayyi khan
    May 7th, 2011 at 4:57 am

    i m abdul hayyi khan.. m doing engineering.. sir i wn laptop for doing my projects plz i wil be very thnks ful 2 ew

  353. I am a student in Adama University(Ethiopia) and I’m in need of free Laptop of any kind if available any.
    Please help me as much as possible.
    Contact me via my Email address then i will give you my P.O.Box address if you have decided to send me.
    Thank you for your help.

  354. help me , i am from a poor family , i need a lapton for my studies ,pls help me

  355. help me , i am from a poor family , i need a laptop for my studies ,pls help me

  356. i need leptop?

  357. Dear sir,
    I’m a poor student. I’m going to complete my diploma in Textile Engg. I’ve need a laptop computer for my study but I’ve not enough money and my father can’t give me money. Please give me a laptop for my study so that I can shine in my life. I never forget it in my life

  358. Dear Sir/Madam,
    I am a college student. It’s really hard to submit assignments without a laptop. I always try to study to be the top student. I hope someone who is kindful will give me a laptop and I will not forget him or her in my whole life.You can contact me through my Email.

    Sincerely Yours,

  359. Dear Sir/Madam,
    I am an I.C.T studend who is doing networking but I don’t have a laptop
    nd I relly need one but I can’t afford it……I will be really glad and gratful if U help me with this,and God will richly bless…….Also when I finish my course I will repay you…..
    William Opare

  360. respected sir i m a college student…and i want a laptop for my ccie study…i haven’t mony for buy laptop but without laptop i cant start my this ccie computer course… so plz give me a suggetion for laptop… i m thanking you for your help to fullfill my dream ccie ….. your’s sincerely …ishita… from neemuch pin-458441 m.p. {india} my e-mail id:-rain.rainbow9@yahoo.com u can sms also on my mobile number about any information- 8962971225

  361. amoako frank assuah
    June 21st, 2011 at 8:43 am

    sir i m a college student…and i want a laptop to do my assighments.I request this free laptop because I don’t have enough money to buy one. Please send me this free laptop.my address is;
    st.john of god hosp.
    c/o agnes blay,
    p.o box 9,
    tel. no.0233241211122

  362. sir i am very poor i am college student and i hvnt money to buy a simple laptop plz help me

  363. sir i am very poor i am college student and i hvnt money to buy a simple laptop plz help me plzzzz help me

  364. i am poor in university of ethiopia.i need laptop….+251912014651 call me

  365. sir, i’m a full time student, single and unemployed may you please help me by donating me laptop.

    thank you in advace!

  366. Akash Charlithya Denagema
    July 3rd, 2011 at 4:55 am

    Sir i am a college student & i am learning about ICT.So I want a laptop for do my studies so please help me by donating a laptop

    Thank You!
    P.O.BOX 391/12/A
    Sri Parakum Road,
    Makola South,
    Sri Lanka

  367. I am studying 12th standard & appearing for Engineering Entrance exam. Iam in urgent need of computer. My parents cannot afford it now , sir can will you help me

    July 11th, 2011 at 5:08 am


  369. abdul ghaffar jhatial
    July 14th, 2011 at 8:30 am

    hi me abdul ghaffar jhatial and i am student of matric class and i am very poor and i can not effort laptop price so i need a laptop for my study so please give me a laptop then i will contunie my study sir thank you……….. from hyderabad pakistan

  370. Sir,
    I am daughter of a small farmer and I want to be a scientist but due to lack of technology i am unable to do that .I had made a windmill which works even in the absence of wind .So , I want to display and consult it with eminent scientists . Sir somehow I manage things and I am begging You to grant me a laptop. So that i can do anything to contribute to environment and science.

    Akshita Singh

  371. I am a counselor trying to help a homeless college bound student start her college experience off right. She doesn’t have the resources and I don’t have the money.So we ask, Can anyone Help? I believe she is worth the investment. I never hurts to ask! Just maybe we will get lucky! We will even take a refurbished one. Thanks!

  372. hello respected dear.my name is molla workineh .i’ m ethiopian guy of 21 years old.just i’m student of adama university in ethiopia,with department of mechanical engineering.laptop is very necessary for different type of functions such as reading google book,autocad drawing and etc. therefore please send me alaptop.thank u for your help.

  373. Dear Sir/Madam
    ALBERT NYUIEDZI is my name.My wish is to be a profesional graphic designer.I am a graduate of senior high school.due to financial problem, i could’int further.so please help me.By sending me one to fulfil my dream.I humbly thank you for your good work.

  374. sir i am from india sir sir i need free laptop sir pls pls pls kind on me sir pls give an free laptop sir i am very poor sir i am dont have dad sir ,sir pls provid me an free laptop sir ,thank you

  375. I’m a medical student.. I want a laptop for my study works. I do not have money for buy a laptop.. Please help me…

  376. im very poor student of human rights i need laptop for the study and slid show of my theases if u can help tht will be great virtue with me
    sami shanwari nangarhar

  377. Respectable sir,
    i am a student of engineering and being a student of engineering it is necessary for to have my own pc, so i am requesting your kind honour that please give me a laptop.
    I will be praying for you forever!

  378. i am really need a laptop because i am a B.Sc (computer science &information technology )student so i really need a laptop

  379. I am stdent of Biomedical sciences in Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. laptop is very essential for my work and education can you do me a favor?

  380. Md. Sajidur Rahman
    August 13th, 2011 at 12:00 pm

    I am a student of Dhaka Commerce College, Dhaka, Bangladesh. So i want a laptop for my study.

  381. I am a malawian boy i need alaptop computer to assist me in my education i learn at salima techinical college, my father was passed away and my mother depend on small scale business so she can not afford to buy it. Thank you.

  382. I am a student of bachelor. I really need a laptop. Please send me.. Thanks

  383. am hardi form Ghana please i needy a laptop for my education. i am attending classes and i cant make it without a laptop so please help thank you.

  384. hi please i need free small old laptop to chat my old friends and study at home

  385. Please i am a Ghanaian. I have gained admission to offer computer sc. at Kwame Nkrumah University of science and technology.Please i am ineed of a laptop computer for my studies at the university which my dad cannot afford to buy, because he is a peasant farmer. I fervently hope my request would meet your kind considration. Thank you.

    P.O.BOX 72

  386. iam a 43yr old male that is disabled and going tocollege started on 09/06/2011 and i need a computer that works good i live in a nursing home in canton maine if anyone out their has a computer that is just not being used it will be well taken cared for iam going for my bachelors degree in crimminology in need for one so desperately please and i have no way of getting it thanks for your time and your consideration my phone # 207-597-2510 ask for andrew pierce “drew” it is a nick name

  387. how many students for free laptops

  388. I am happy to see that there is such an offer out there like this one. I have been using my roomamtes computer for almost two years with no money of my own to buy one. I really hope it comes my way. Thanks , Jess

  389. Am a biological student in KNUST, Ghana and am in need of a laptop for free to enhance my studies. thank you.

  390. Sanat Kumar Pradhan
    September 23rd, 2011 at 5:34 am

    Study now in B.Sc. Engineering I must need a laptop to learn CAD………. I wait your kindess

  391. I plead any one can provide me a laptop. God will always bless you

  392. pls i need laptop i have brrn borrowing laptop pls let me be thr winner

  393. i need laptop for my studies please help for free laptop

  394. i need a laptop for my learning and i can not bay in my own so i need your help.

  395. sir my name is predipaul katta .i am a theological student i need a laptop to prepare for gods word to share the people

  396. I am a management studie student looking for a free laptop to help me with my assigments. please help me.

  397. Hello! I’m a 17 years old boy. I need a laptop for my project work at school but my parent can’t afford one for me. Pls I need your help. I would be very grateful if you can do that for me. My numbers are 08051526662 and 08162406566 or you can email me. God bless you!

  398. please i desperately need the laptop for my computer enginnering studies here in eritrea.
    u got to give me the chance to win that laptop.

  399. i’m a student and i need a laptop but i can’t afford to buy,cos i usually go online work out for my project n assignment so pls if u can kindlly make me d winner

  400. i will be very happy if you can send me a free laptop for my studies and research works.Thank you.
    My contact:
    Tecku Emmanuel
    University Of Ghana
    P.O.Box 25
    Accra Ghana

  401. i really need a laptop i cant afford it being a single parent of four trying to go back to school to further my education to support my family more thx u

    Rena Ovesen
    university of phoenix
    100 town square place
    jersey city,nj 07310
    suite 305

  402. Hi my name is tina , i am attending ashford university online for early childhood development , single parent mother of 2 on my own, my computer is a dinosaur half of the times i cant download certain assingments i need, it has xp because i upgraded from 98, please i dont have a job , i take care of kids for expenses and live in a friends basemant,please,please help, you can even contact my school advisor , he will explain all the complaints about this computer , i received $400 from sallymae but i had to get transcripts from my old university totaling $300 so nothing i could do, at least school is paid for my first year, thank you so much in advance and good luck to everyone, hp your the best in generosity and technology, please help.

  403. i am a poor student of university.i want to get a laptop.if u help me.


  405. my respectable sir i m a student of LLB in Law College so for handling my cases it is very very necesory for me a laptop.
    i can not afford my self because of i m so poor and i m a single who dandle my all family so please sir help me i will pray you sir.

  406. zakir hussain jatoi
    October 29th, 2011 at 2:05 am

    I am a student and I just need a laptop, but unfortunately the price-quality ratio is not always appropriate and nobody wants to buy the cheap imitations of the devices. When I saw, that I can get a laptop for free after registering, I was very happy. This is my only chance to win a free laptop and enjoy the modern technology, which will help me to study and to develop my computer skills.


  408. I could really use that computer. I like to take college classes at home on the computer but my computer is getting old and I can’t afford another one. My computer is really all I have right now. I am recovering from an accident and going kind of stir-crazy when I could be taking online classes with a better computer. Thanks.

  409. Dear.the blessed man
    Greeting the name God ,how are you? I’m fine to mean that i have no problem by spiritual side.But ,i have a great problem to survive on this land.due to the the lack of the following condition.I’m the university of computer science student .still now i have attending my
    education by doing the daily labor work.for these reason, the situation very much difficult to me, i have no cloth to wear, i have no food to eat, i.e,even if some times i lived three or four days with out eating food, because the wage that i have get were incurred to the rent of house, the payment of university and other. additionally to buy exercise book, pen and pencil, shoes and cloth i have no enough money. i want to fill withdraw from the university.
    so, please,if you can help me by giving laptop or money ,help me, if can’t submit my hands to other who can help me, if this both is impossible
    please help me by the
    praying or by a peace of advise,good bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    my additional information contact me by my Email 1.qomookeef@yahoo.com
    PO.box 585,Ambo,Ethiopia

  410. can i have a free laptop so i will never rent a computer again,, thanx,

  411. Hi, am a student in Makerere University Uganda and pursuing a bachelor in Computer Science.I have a dream of becoming a good programmer dealing with day to day problems in my community and many more others.
    I would be glad if I receive a laptop from you which will enable me develop my skill. I hope my consideration will be put into consideration.Yours sincerely. Tumwine Narcis- Makerere University, Computer Science.

  412. I will want any laptop give who is power people

  413. sorry i wrote wrong i dont want any laptop give to those who is poowere student

  414. Am Lydia, a final year student. i would be very greatful if u can send me a laptop.Am about to finish my course of study, so i need dis laptop to write my projects, and final thesis. am from a poor home and if u dont help, i dont have any hope.

  415. hi I m uswa frm pak from a very small city i want this laptop

  416. plz plz plz plz send me this laptop because i m a ninth class student and have no laptop….

  417. please consider me for a free computer i recently had emergency back surgery and got let go from my job! i have 3 kids and i am hoping to go back to school but my college is 40min away and i can’t afford the gas! i really need a computer so i can do some of the classes online. thanksyou

  418. please consider me for a free computer i recently had emergency back surgery and got let go from my job! i have 2 kids and i am hoping to go back to school but my college is 50min away and i can’t afford the gas! i really need a computer so i can do some of the classes online. thanksyou.i help me

  419. Hi name is SinLong. I’m from Sunrise Children’s Village.

  420. I am in nairobi university and i need a laptop really bad phone +254720660007

  421. hi my name is renita i need help geting a laptop for school i dont have family i lived in foster homes and i was homeless for two year i am a mother of two my son is 1years old and i have a lil girl that 2years old. i need a laptop bad so i can do my school work with i need help because i dont have the money to buy a laptop and i want to go to school so that when my kids go to school that i would have a good job that my kids could have a good life i hope that that u can help me plz i really want to go back to school but i need help with a laptop thank you

  422. competing for a free laptop for school,p,o,box ce 11861 tema accra ghana w/a

  423. salam my name is muhammad bux mahesar from pakistan i need for laptop for university i m student I.T so i m poor my father is teacher and i have big family my father can not support my study expensive so my father have no money for laptop plz help me thank you

  424. Learn to read please. You have to go to the websites and enter, not just submit your story here. I notice most of you are foreign but DAMN

  425. dear,sir or madam I am a mathamatical student from anuradhapura. I want a laptop for my study

  426. please help me sir.coz am in need of a laptop
    am a student in ghana,and am studying soil science
    and for further studies i need a laptop
    so please help me .i hope you will help me
    coz you are my only hope

  427. i really do need a laptop please for school,i would be very grateful when this favor is granted

  428. Dear Sir

    I am a student & worker at madawalabu university and got a bachelor of arts degree in administrative services management & technology system.For further study and research activities in administrative & technology areas i need a laptop b/c I am poor & i think i can’t afford it till forever.
    I hope someone who is kindful will give me a laptop and I will not forget him or her in my whole life.You can contact me through my addresses.

    P.O.BOX 247
    c/o madawalabu university

    own phone number 251 913 62 44 42
    office phone number 251 22 865 02 47

  429. Hi, I am Abdi Alemayehu.
    i requre free lapto from you shall i get it?
    address; Jimma University


  430. Hi, I am Abdi Alemayehu.
    I requre free laptoP from you shall I get it?
    address; Jimma University


  431. i need free laptop since i leave in ethiopia.i’m a student in haramaya univeristy. thank you.

  432. thank you.

  433. Your effort to enhance the lives other is comendable. Thank u. Pls, i need a laptop. My number +2347034686756. Thank u.

  434. i want to join the contest to win a free hp laptop

  435. I’m first year medical student.i need some thing to help me with my studies.please any body help me with computer.please i want my education more than anything because my life is only base on it.(p.o.box 09 wolo,kemissie,ethiopia)

  436. Jonathan Amagbley
    March 30th, 2012 at 8:38 am

    I am in a high school and I need a laptop for my research work.Would you pleasehelp me?

  437. I am a student of Adama university and i need a laptop b/c I am poor & i think i can’t afford it till forever.
    I hope someone who is kindful will give me a laptop and I will not forget him or her in my whole life.You can contact me through my addresses.
    P.O.BOX 1888
    Adama university

  438. I am a student and I need
    a computer for studies,When I saw, that I can
    get a laptop for free after
    registering, I was very happy.
    This is my only chance to win a
    free laptop and enjoy the
    modern technology, which will
    help me to study and to
    develop my computer skills.

  439. i am student of biotechnology.alote of work is now done through laptop.bu now a days aloe of elecricity loadshadding i need a laptop for study

  440. Please, I would like to enter for a chance to win a laptop. I cannot afford one for college next year. Ive been raised by my single grandmother and have low income, this in result has taught me to work hard for the things I want in life. I live in a small town and would be so greatful for a wonderful opportunity like this. Thank you.

  441. I am a single parent still searching for my dreams. I’ve been back in school now for one semester and I didn’t think I could make it, but with the help of the Lord I am doing a good job. I’ve finally gotten a car for transportation to school now all I need is a computer. I’m taking up Computer Engineer and in desperate need of a laptop. Can you please help?

  442. I need a laptop computer.I am a poor student.kindly donate me a laptop computer.

  443. Please donate a laptop computer, I belong a poor family.I cannot afford a loptop computer. I am a student of FSC.

  444. i want to laptop for study

  445. ashenafi yohannes
    May 24th, 2012 at 9:00 am

    Hi, am a student in hawassa university ,Ethiopia and pursuing a bachelor in Computer Science.I have a dream of becoming a fluent and well programmer dealing with day to day problems in my community and many more others.
    I would be glad if I receive a laptop from you ,which will enable me develop my skill. I hope my request will be put into consideration.Yours sincerely.
    You can contact me through my addresses.
    P.O.box 93
    hiywet birihan church hawassa

  446. i am a poor student of srilanka.i want a laptop for my further education so i have no money for buy a laptop. if you can sed your old laptop i will be thank you …………

  447. is this still on now, wanna participate

  448. I want laptop for my education

  449. I want laptop for my study


  451. I really need a laptop for me and my children because I live in a homeless shelter with me and my children. I am trying to get my life back in order. I am going back to school to better my life. I am trying to get a job online because it is hard for me to find a baby sitter to watch my children. I also need to buy my own books because I used up all my grant money and I am trying my best just to use my own money to afford to go to school. I would be very happy if you would give me a laptop.

  452. Oh yeah my address

    for the place I live at where I live at the shelter is:

    Haven Of Peace
    7070 Harlan Road
    French Camp
    CA 95231

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